Calendar of Events

March 2025
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Events available for Registration...

RMWEA Collections Conference
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IWT Tour of Greeley WTRF

Online Registration has closed for this event

2025 Operations Challenge Golf Tournament
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2025 Operations Challenge RMWEA Regional, Rocky Mountain Rivalry, Competition
7/14/2025 - 7/15/2025
register for this event...

Events in the next 120 days...
4/10/2025 - 4/11/2025
Approximately 200 water-related engineers, operators, technicians, project/utility managers, consultants, students, and more are expected in Albuquerque, NM, for the 10th Annual New Mexico Water Workshop on April 10-11, 2025 at the Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town.

You are invited to share your successful case studies, practical solutions / best practices, and innovative research in the fields of water and wastewater. This is your chance to showcase your expertise and contribute to AWWA’s mission of "a better world through better water." 
The theme for the 2025 Workshop is “A Decade of Water Wisdom + Innovation for the Future.” 

Workshop Info & Abstract Submission Form
4/15/2025 - 4/17/2025

A three-day intensive program including the three DBIA core courses required for certification plus access to the conde of conduct and exam prep webinars. We advise attendees to take the code of conduct webinar before the workshop.

Coffee/tea will be provided in the morning and lunch will be provided at approximately 12 noon.

Code of Conduct Webinar (Pre-Workshop)
Day 1: Setting the Stage for Design-Build Success
Day 2: Collaborating for Exceptional Outcomes
Day 3: Contracts & Risk Management
Exam Prep Webinar (Post-Workshop)

Register and learn more here.

RMWEA Collections Conference: Condition Assessment, Maintenance, Design, Construction, and Asset Management. Join us and receive training units (TU’s!) for the 1-Day Sewer Collections Conference, a comprehensive event bringing together sewer industry professionals to explore the latest advancements in the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of sewer collection systems. This dynamic conference will feature engaging keynote speakers, interactive panel discussions, and vendor exhibits showcasing innovative technologies and solutions. Whether you're an operator, engineer, contractor, or facility owner, this event provides an excellent opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and gain valuable insights into best practices and emerging trends in sewer collections. Don't miss this chance to elevate your expertise and stay at the forefront of industry innovation! 
8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Breakfast and lunch are included with the registration.
$10 with RMWEA membership, $50 for non-members
Receive TU’s

Calling Collections Systems Vendors! If you are interested in participating, click here for details.
For Descriptions of Presentations and Topics, Click Here

The Student Design Competition is intended to promote real-world design experience for students interested in pursuing a career and/or education in water and wastewater engineering and sciences.
IWT is pleased to invite RMWEA members to a facility tour at Greeley's WTRF. Please register through and bring a photo ID with you.
Greeley WTRF:  300 E 8th Street, Greeley, CO 80631

The facility will be under construction in May, so we will require the following PPE: hard hats, vests, closed toed shoes, pants, and eye protection (normal glasses are fine).
Participants will also be required to sign a tour waiver prior to the site walk. 

We hope you will stay for an IWT sponsored happy hour to follow at WeldWerks Brewing Co.
Weldworks Brewing: 508 8th Ave, Greeley, CO 80631
Greeley is excited to host it's 2025 PWO on Thursday, May 22nd!

The 2025 PWO has enlisted new and familiar faces to enlighten us as we continue on our never-ending learning path that is the wastewater treatment business! Gather with your neighboring wastewater professionals as we discuss Biological Nutrient Removal (Pat Radabaugh - Dewberry) to help meet current and future regulations as discussed in the day's Regulatory Update (Alex Ratcliff - Brown and Caldwell).

Intensification of treatment processes using Partial Denitrification-Anammox (Chris deBarbadillo - Black & Veatch) certainly has implications when it comes to meeting those Regs 85 and 31 nutrient limits, as does the emerging technology of Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactors - MABR (Becca Chapa - Black & Veatch). 

And what's a freshly designed and constructed process (Presenter TBD) without a bit of operator troubleshooting? Bob Dabkowski joins us to round out the seminar by providing an interactive discussion on Diagnosing and Workshopping Real-Life Plant Challenges.

Of course there will be breakfast, lunch, a visit from John Wright to discuss operator involvement in the Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association, and several breaks to stretch and mingle!

Keep an eye out for the agenda, and make sure to register soon!
26th Annual Operations Challenge Golf Tournament  

Check in Opens at 8:00 AM
Shotgun start at 9:00 AM
Banquet 2:30 - 4:30 PM

Sponsorship  Levels

Come join us for another great golf season with one of the best tournaments of the year, the “Operations Challenge” Golf Tournament. This year marks the 26th Annual event. 

The tournament will be held on Monday, June 2, 2025, at Todd Creek Golf Course located in Thornton, Colorado. This Arthur Hills designed golf course provides a truly unique experience. The majestic Rocky Mountain backdrop coupled with undulating fairways and strategic placement of bunkers will provide a true test to every level of golfer.

Proceeds from the tournament benefit the Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association (RMWEA), a non-profit organization comprised of water quality professionals throughout Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico, and the RMWEA Operations Challenge. RMWEA’s goal will be to provide support to participate in the National Operations Challenge competition held during the Water Environment Federation's Annual Technical Conference & Exposition (WEFTEC).

Registration will open March 20, 2025, for Friends of Operations Challenge Golf only (limit only 1 team per registration). It will open for general registration on Thursday, March 27, 2024. Please check out our Golf Sponsor Levels as we have added some new and exciting sponsorship levels.

RMWEA participation at the national level would not be possible without the tremendous and continued financial support from local and regional sponsors that include treatment plant vendors, equipment manufacturers, contractors, engineering firms, and other organizations that directly or indirectly support the RMWEA. Sponsors who participate are recognized with a company logo or name displayed at the golf tournament. Additionally, recognition will be made at the awards banquet, on the RMWEA website, and at future Operations Challenge events. Sponsorship may be tax deductible. Please see attached for more tournament and sponsorship information. You can also find additional information and register online at We typically sell out, so register early! 

The challenge is on! Please join us on Monday, June 2, 2024, and help support the RMWEA Operations Challenge. If you have participated in the past, you know this is a fun atmosphere with plenty of food and prizes and a great way to network with consultants, contractors, and other organizations.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Colorado EIN Tax No. 98-18406
Federal EIN Tax No. 84-0777358

Please reach out to Orren West with any questions at

Grand Junction PWO Seminar
7/14/2025 - 7/15/2025

Join us for wastewater's premier skills competition at RMWEA's 2025 Rocky Mountain Rivalry!
When: July 14th and 15th.

Where: Adams County Fair Grounds 9755 Henderson Rd Bldg. 1, Brighton, CO 80601
Registration fee: $100 per team

Register your team now to secure your spot!
7/21/2025 - 7/24/2025
JULY 21 – JULY 24, 2024


If you are submitting an event that requires registration through the RMWEA website please follow these steps.
  1. Click here to open a form where you provide detailed information about your event. This will be used to set up registration.
  2. After submitting the form use your back button to get back to this page and them click the "SUBMIT YOUR EVENT" button above. The information you provide will place your event on the website calendar.