News Items - International Association of Packaging Research Institutes
Working Groups to meet at the 2019 IAPRI Symposium
IAPRI’s four Working Groups will meet on June 11th according to the
following schedule and agendas

Working Group Agendas

13:00-14:00 -
Packaging & Consumers Agenda
The Packaging & Consumers working group will promote the collaboration between IAPRI member institutes in consumer behavior related research initiatives. Each working group member will receive a short survey about the main future topics of interest and the results will be discussed in the working group meeting. The survey will be distributed to the WG members and at the LinkedIn WG group at This session is being prepared by Virpi Korhonen from Package Testing & Research Ltd.

14:00-15:00 - ​Distribution Packaging Working Group Agenda
  1. WG chair/convenor position
  2. Review of WG mission statement
  3. WG online bulletin board
  4. Data sharing- - ISTA’s Distribution Environmental Data Collection Program
  5. General discussion on Distribution packaging issues
15:00-16:00 -  Sustainable Packaging Working Group Agenda

The Sustainable Packaging working group will continue the format of a short presentation and a guided discussion. This year the discussion will be around the question: China ban on recyclables, "green sword", a challenge or an opportunity for packaging?
This session is being prepared by Carlos Diaz from the Rochester Institute of Technology and Sandeep Kulkarni from KoolEarth Solutions Inc.
16:00-17:00 - ​Active and Intelligent Packaging Agenda
  • Introduction of the members
  • Mission of the working group
  • Organisation of the working group
  • Potential collaboration fields & activities
  • Presentation of the COST Action Actinpak (if we have enough time)
  • Next steps
Members are encouraged to participate. For more information of the Working Groups click here.

Published: 04/30/19