IAPRI Career Start Award Announced Saewhan Kim, a Graduate Research Assistant from Virginia Tech's - Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design was selected at random from 20 first time IAPRI presenters at this year's Member Conference. He won $500 as part of the IAPRI Career Start Award sponsored by Dr. Paul Singh. "Congratulations! We are honored to have you join us at this year’s IAPRI Conference and wish you a great academic and professional careers. Best wishes." Paul Singh The purpose of the award is to provide a packaging researcher, who has not yet participated at a IAPRI Conference, with the incentive to be a first time research paper presenter and accelerate their knowledge and understanding of the IAPRI member resources by networking and interacting with a wide range of dedicated professionals working in all segments of packaging research, testing and education. Published: 05/17/21 |