Transportation Impacts in CEQA and Implementing SB 743
11:30am - 1:30pm
Event Description

Join us for a presentation from Jeannie Lee and Chris Ganson from the Office of Planning and Research and Tony Petros from LSA Associates, Inc. who will discuss Senate Bill (SB) 743, the transition from LOS to VMT, and local implementation efforts from the City of Fresno. Boxed lunches will be provided by Corner Bakery Café.

Discussion topics include:

  • SB 743 and the CEQA Guidelines Update
  • Updating the Metric of Transportation Impact under SB 743
  • Local Implementation Progress:  City of Fresno’s SB 743 Strategy through a General Plan EIR Update

1.5 AICP CM Credits Available (ID# 9182965)

1.5 MCLE Credits Available


11:30 AM – 12:00 PM          Registration and Lunch

12:00 – 1:30 PM                   Presentations and Q&A

Speaker Bios

Jeannie Lee, AICP

Jeannie Lee was appointed to OPR as Chief Counsel with areas of expertise in CEQA and land use law. She holds a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from UC Berkeley, and a law degree from Lewis and Clark Law School. She is a member of the AICP.

Chris Ganson

Chris Ganson was appointed to OPR as the Senior Advisor for Transportation. He serves as the technical lead on SB 743 implementation. He previously held positions at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the World Resources Institute, and US EPA Region 9. Chris holds master’s degrees in City Planning and Transportation Engineering from UC Berkeley.

Tony Petros

Tony Petros is a Principal/Transportation Planner with LSA Associates, Inc. His expertise is transportation analysis and mobility planning, strategic circulation planning, and parking analysis. Tony holds a Master’s of Regional Planning degree from Cornell University.

Registration Fees:  AEP Members - $5, ITE Members - $5, Student Non-Members - $10, Non-Members - $30

Payment can be made online or at the event.

If you have questions about registration, please contact Ellen Moore at or at (559) 637-4200 x 222.

If you have an Agency or Corporate Membership, you can register by providing the name and e-mail of registrants to Ellen Moore at

The Tower - 1st Floor Conference Room
205 E. River Park Circle
Fresno, CA 93720

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