December 2024 IPA Webinar: Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQIA+ Youth
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
CE Events
Event Description
IPA 2024 Webinar Series
1.0 Hour of Category I CE credit

Friday,December 13, 2024 at Noon

Registrants will receive further information for participating via Zoom Webinar for the presentation.

Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQIA+ Youth
According to the Movement Advancement Project (2023), Indiana is ranked as one of the lowest states for advancing and supporting the needs of LGBT+ youth, based on educational policy, legal affairs, and community support. What can psychologists in our state do to ensure that Indiana youth are supported and provided for? Come collaborate in a conversation about how we can ensure that these students are recognized, respected, and valued.

Learning Objectives
By completing this program, participants will able to:
1.   Examine Indiana statute and legal practices that advance and detract from supporting the mental health needs of LGBTQ individuals.
2.   Explore practices that ensure the advocacy of marginalized members of the LGBTQ community, including minors.
3.   Ensure that IPA membership consider their role in advancing the needs of LGBTQ clients and establishing partnerships that support and advance the personal power of these individuals and community.

Presenter Bio: Noelany Pelc, Ph.D.
Dr. Pelc is an Assistant Professor at Marian University, and is a licensed psychologist in the state of New York and in Indiana. She previously served as the Clinical Coordinator for MA/EdS students in Professional Counseling and School Counseling before serving as the Academic Director of the online School Counseling and Professional Counseling programs for two years at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. She is active in APA’s Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women), the Society for Teaching of Psychology (STP) and in the Advancement for Women in Psychology (AWP). During her training and post-graduation, she gained clinical experience working with women and children who were survivors of trauma and relational violence, particularly as those experiences intersected with marginalized and disenfranchised identities. She gathered experience working with college counseling students, dual-diagnosis mental health concerns and cross-addiction within a residential setting, and training in psychological assessment for impaired professionals. Her current areas of research center on experience of women in the Academy, the socialization of polarized national attitudes. and applications of cultural humility in research, teaching and mentorship. Her professional interests include relational-cultural theory, feminist theory, and pedagogy.

Dr. Noelany Pelc

Presenter Bio:  Michael Slavkin, Ph.D., NCC, LMHC 
Michael Slavkin, Ph.D., NCC, LMHC is the director of the Master of Science in Counseling program and assistant professor at Marian University. He earned his doctorate in counseling and educational psychology from Indiana University–Bloomington. Dr. Slavkin’s research and teaching interests include human development, assessment and research methods, and social justice and advocacy with marginalized populations.

Dr. Michael Slavkin

Special Note to Conference Attendees
The Indiana Psychological Association (IPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Indiana Psychological Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Indiana State Psychology Board and Indiana Behavioral Health Board:

  • IPA is an approved provider of Category I continuing education for psychologists.

  • IPA is an approved provider of Category I continuing education for LSW, LCSW, LMFT, LMHC, LMFTA, LCAC and LAC.

Licensees must judge the program’s relevance to their professional practice.
Please note that APA rules require that credit be given only to those who attend the entire workshop. Those arriving more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time or leaving early will not receive CE credits. Partial credit cannot be given. We ask that all participants return the post-program evaluation form at the conclusion of the program. Drs. Pelc & Slavkin and IPA have not received any commercial support for this program or its contents and will not receive any commercial support prior to or during this program.
CE certificates will be distributed via email withing two weeks post-event. 
Registration Fees
IPA New, Premier, Platinum, Emeritus-Practicing, and Student Members - $0
IPA Basic, Emeritus-Retired Members, and Affiliate Members - $15
Non-Members - Psychologists and Other Professionals $30
*If a non-member Student seeking to attend, please either join IPA (free membership with "sponsorship" by an IPA Academic Member or, if outside the state of Indiana, please contact

Registration will close on Thursday, December 12th, 2024.

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