Our Mission: To connect and enrich the Illinois water community
and increase the awareness of the impact and value of water.

Meeting OneWater Objectives with Integrated Planning Lunch & Learn
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Central
Event Registration
Event Description

The webinar will provide a brief overview of OneWater and integrated planning, and will include case studies on integrated planning.

The gap in municipal water infrastructure needs and available funding remains significant across wastewater, stormwater, and drinking water. It can be difficult for utilities to prioritize capital improvements because of the long-standing silos that exist at the local, state, and federal levels due to implementation of the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act.  Integrated planning assists all three utilities in establishing a shared vision, prioritizing environmental mandates, and adaptively managing assets to provide the greatest environmental and public health benefits.
Presenter: Adrienne Nemura, P.E.
Adrienne is a principal at Geosyntec Consultants, specializing in Clean Water Act compliance for 39 years. She is Chair of the Water Environment Federation’s Integrated Planning Task Force and a technical advisor to the U.S. Conference of Mayors Water Council, and supported the Water Council in the discussions with EPA and Department of Justice about the need for integrated planning. Adrienne has assisted numerous communities with sewer overflow abatement plans and integrated plans and was the principal investigator on development of a Users’ Guide for integrated planning for The Water Research Foundation.

Hosted by IWEA's Government Affairs Committee

Members $20/ Non-Members $30


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