Our Mission: To connect and enrich the Illinois water community
and increase the awareness of the impact and value of water.

Abstract Preparation: How to Sell Your Water Story
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Central
Event Registration
Event Description

Jon Liberzon will be presenting on technical abstract preparation. Please join us for a fun and interactive session that will cover the key points to consider when preparing an abstract and how to sell your water story in a compelling way. This webinar will cover both WEFTEC and IWEA abstract scoring criteria, along with general tips and approaches for all technical abstracts.

Presenter: Jon Liberzon, Black & Veatch

Hosted by IWEA's Students and Young Professionala Committee 
Registration Members Free/ Non-Members $15

ZOOM Webinar link will be forwarded by separate email by November 19,  2024.  
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