Abstract Faces Wallhanging - January 20, 27, 2025 CANCELED
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM MT
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
Event Description
Number of sessions:  2
Course fee: $35.00

Participants create a Wallhanging of connected abstract faces. The faces are constructed from a slab and features will be created either by adding textures , elements of clay or subtracting clay from the slab. You can't do it wrong. You make the faces however you want, just have FUN. 

Templates for the initial shape, rings to hang it with when it's completed and use of texturing tool will be provided.  Molds from the club will will be used if the participant wants a bend in the face.
Participants provide:
- Clay, either Bmix or Speckled Buff
- Underglazes, 5 colors is optimal
- Brushes for painting
- Clay tools

Class information:
Skill level:  Beginner
Minimum: 3.  Maximum: 8
GCA Studio
Contact Person
Pat O'Brien
(phone: 513-374-1429 )



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1/27/2025   Outlook Calendar Apple Calendar Google Calendar

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