Winter League - 2025
1/1/2025 - 3/9/2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific
Event Registration
Event Description
The Skookum Archers “Indoor” leagues, aka the “Frozen Chosen” leagues will be beginning on January 1st through March 9th, 2025.
Skookum indoor leagues will be following the same timeline and format as the WSAA indoor mail-in leagues.
From January 1st through February 2nd we will be shooting the 60 arrow Blue Face indoor format.
From February 3rd through March 9th we will be shooting the 30 arrow Multi-Color indoor format.
The following will be some changes that will be unique to Skookum Archers.
League Times:
Friday Night at 6:30pm lead by Jym Kinney
Saturday Morning starting at 10am led by Pete Miles

Unlike in the past years, the Skookum Members range will be closed on the 3rd Saturday of each month because this is the monthly work party day.  This means there will be no league shoots that morning.  Consider volunteering on that morning because there is always more stuff to do than people available to it.  Pay attention to the big calendar in the Club House for reminders on the closed dates.
On the Friday Night schedule, there will be no scheduled shooting on the Friday Nights before the State Blue Face championships and State Multi-color championships (aka Jan 31st, and March 7th)
The cost to shoot the Skookum Indoor league is $15, and this includes one target for each week of shooting.  Please sign up using the webpage because Pete and Jym will not have change if choosing to pay in cash.
If you want to participate in the WSAA Mail-In league, you are responsible for signing up via their website.  Pete Miles will send your scores that were shot at Skookum into the State Mail-In.  If you do not wish to participate in the WSAA Mail-In, then the Skookum Indoor league will be a fun shoot to enjoy shooting with fellow Skookum members.
We also recognize that not everyone likes the Blue Face format.  Because of this, for anyone that is not participating in the WSAA Mail-In, they can choose to shoot the Multi-Color target during the month of January.  Be advised that during January, we will be shooting 12 ends at 4 minutes per end and switching targets after the 6th end. 

The WSAA Mail-In will accept up to 4 scores turned in for each Blue Face and Multi-Color, and the best 3 will be counted for each format.  We will follow that format, and post scores accordingly.
The new WSAA Mail-In format only requires two signatures on the score card, the Archer and a witness.  The Skookum Indoor league will follow that same format.  What this means is that if you cannot make it to either the Friday Night or Saturday morning regularly scheduled shoot, you can shoot at other times during the week.  If you do that, place one signed score card in the black box in the clubhouse between the main office and front doors. 
For those who are shooting the WSAA Mail-In, electronic scoring will also be used.  See the WSAA Website for more information on how to get the App and how to use it.  Thus, for those shooting the WSAA Mail-In, they will be using the electronic scoring and one written score sheet.  Take a picture of the written score sheet before turning it in in case it gets lost because the written score sheet is the written verification of the electronic score.

The Skookum Indoor Leagues is meant to be a fun time and fellowship with other like minded archers.  The league has a nickname of “Frozen Chosen” because we shoot regardless of what the weather is like in these winter months.  If you don’t feel comfortable with driving in for that day’s shoot, stay home and be safe.  There will always be other days to make up the score.  Also, dress appropriately for cold and wet weather because our “indoor” league is actually shot outside.  We have some new heaters to help with the cold, but still be prepared because we still have to go out in the cold and wet to score our targets.

Skookum Archers Club & Range
11209 Shaw Road E
Puyallup, WA 98374

click here for Google Maps
Click on the icon next to the date(s) to add to your calendar:
1/1/2025 - 3/9/2025   Outlook Calendar Apple Calendar Google Calendar

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