Course Description:
This in-person session will review the legislative process, help attendees locate their legislators, discuss talking points important to the Association, and will include presentations from our lobbyist covering current political climate and legislation proposed this session. The purpose of this session is to empower members to build relationships with legislators in order to effect change.
Learning Objectives:
Following this session,
1. Participants will be able to describe how a bill becomes a law.
2. Participants will understand and be able to discuss KSHA's talking points.
4. Participants will be able to establish relationships with their legislators.
Sean Miller, Lobbyist at Capitol Strategies
Jeanne Copeland, KSHA Executive Board President
Sean Miller receives a salary from Capitol Strategies, which represents the Kansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association. He has no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Jeanne Copeland is a Board member of KSHA and the StAMP representative to ASHA. She has no financial relationships to disclose.
Time-Ordered Agenda (CEUs awarded for 9:00-10:00 session and 11:45-12:45 sessions):
9:00-10:00 Welcome, the Legislative Process, and KSHA Talking Points (Sean Miller & Jeanne Copeland)
10:00-11:45 Visit legislators' offices, attend Senate committee meeting, attend House session, tour Capitol
11:45-12:45 Lunch & Current Legislative Issues (Sean Miller)
12:45 - 1:30 Dessert Reception with Legislators
1:30 - 3:00 Visit your Senator, Tour Capitol, Attend Senate committee meeting
Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas, Inc. 222 SW 7th Topeka, KS 66603 UNITED STATES