In this presentation, we will explore the Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA), a groundbreaking healthcare benefit option that gives employers a flexible and cost-effective way to provide health coverage to their employees. ICHRA allows employers to reimburse employees for individual health insurance premiums and other qualified medical expenses, offering a personalized approach to health benefits.
Key topics will include:
· What is ICHRA?: Definition, eligibility, and structure.
· Benefits for Employers: Cost control, flexibility, and scalability for organizations of all sizes.
Rich Wilber is the founder and principal consultant at Aperture Consulting. Rich has over 17 years of experience helping organizations design, implement, and manage effective benefits programs that meet the needs of both employers and employees. With a deep expertise in healthcare plans and compliance regulations, Rich works closely with companies of all sizes to create tailored benefits solutions that promote employee well-being while optimizing cost efficiency. Rich is passionate about helping employers understand the latest trends in employee benefits and leverage innovative solutions to stay competitive in attracting and retaining top talent.
· Benefits for Employees: More choice and control over their healthcare plans, tailored to individual needs.
· How ICHRA compares to traditional group insurance: Advantages and differences, including compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
· Setting Up and Administering ICHRA: Practical considerations for employers, including plan design, funding strategies, and reporting requirements.
· Real-world Examples: Success stories and case studies from companies already implementing ICHRA.
This presentation is designed for business owners, HR professionals, and benefits managers who are seeking innovative solutions to enhance their employees’ healthcare options while managing costs effectively.