The gift membership module allows members or even non-members the ability to purchase a membership for someone else. These codes are a one-
time use code once they have been created to prevent sharing of the codes among multiple people for a single purchase.
Want to bring in new members with the help of your current ones?
There are a couple of different ways that the codes can be used. For example, if you want to allow for the code to cover the cost of a full membership, you can set that, or if you want it be like a partial payment and the recipient of the code will need to pay the difference for the membership, then you can do that too. There are also options for deciding on when a code can be used, so if you want to make it only usable after a certain amount of days have passed from purchase or creation of the code, you can set that for an extra level of control. Of course, one of the big pieces that you will get to set is what membership type/plan the code will work for, this can be helpful for giving people a taste of what a membership can come with.
Want to create multiple codes for a bundle?
As an admin you will be able to create gift membership bundles as well, so those interested can purchase multiple codes at once. When these are purchased, the email address that you enter will receive them to then pass out as they see fit. This can be helpful for both individual based membership organizations as well as corporate based ones.
Need to track code usage?
The gift module comes with its own reporting as well. In the reports you can view things like status of the codes to see how many have been redeemed as well as how many you have sold. There are different filter options available as well like expiration date or redemption date to help you organize how you want to view the information. Like with many of the other reports that we offer with MemberLeap there is a CSV version available on that page.