"Member Leap hands down is the best for membership services and website management! What I liked most particularly is the fast turnaround time for any issues we have run into. Whenever we submit a ticket through their email their team responds fast and efficiently and solved our problems!"
David Z.
Zoglio Law
"The sky is the limit with MemberLeap! The number of existing features is truly amazing, and the list keeps growing! It seems that most times we look to the software for a solution to our problem, it already exists. And if it doesn't exist, the Customer Support experts are willing to meet quickly and discuss a customized solution."
Brett S.
Asphalt Pavement Association of Michigan
"Bringing our Organization into the Future! Our organization went from tracking everything on a multitude of different excel sheets to having everything automated by MemberLeap. It has been such a great experience and we have been able to focus on actual projects instead of just making sure things stay running."
Use our estimator tool and get a custom quote for you organization. Select a plan and see what modules are included. You can also add a la carte modules to fit your needs.
We pride ourselves on the high-quality support we provide each and every one of our valued clients. Our competent team will personally guide you step-by-step through the development of your new software and website. We are here to help.
We are here to carefully listen and quickly respond to your organization's unique needs. We offer a email-based online ticket system, a comprehensive online Help Desk feature built into every system, and phone support during regular business hours.
BEST Customer Service EVER! When I can't figure something out on my own by reading their HelpDesk articles/watching their instructional videos, I can email the Customer Support team and they will very quickly tell me how to fix my issue and often they just fix it for me and teach me how to do it myself next time. FAST response time with wonderful assistance.