
If your organization maintains a physical library of materials, our Library module will help you manage these materials.  The library page consists of a link for adding new books at the top, and a table of all the books currently in circulation below.  

  • Title - The title of the book or media.
  • Status - This column is used for checking books in and out as well as seeing at a glance if the book is available.
  • Out - If the book is currently out, this column will have the date and time that the book was checked out.
  • By - The author of the book.
  • In - The date and time that the book was received from the last person who  checked it out.
  • Functions - This column lets you change the details on a book or delete it from circulation.
  • Adding Books and Materials/Changing Book Details.

The first step in any library is to add a record for each book. with the following detail fields:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Authors
  • Publisher 
  • Pages
  • Genre
  • ISBN - The International Standard Book Number is usually found next to the book's UPC or on the page with publisher information.