Member Directories

Member Directory and Publishing

  • Member Directory - there are several varieties of directories, which can be published on the public side of your website, within the members-only area, or not published at all.; highly flexible formatting.
  • Total Privacy Control - optionally publish directories - public, members only, or not at all; if you do publish a directory, offer your members the ability to hide their phone, fax, email, address, or whole record if they so choose.
  • Data Exporting - member data can be exported from the system in a comma-delimited format for use in other software packages.
  • Categories - typically for business-organization, assign members to particular categories, based on industry; great way to group members and prospects so you can use our communication tools to connect with them.
  • Product Types - for business organizations, allow members to identify what products and/or services they offer and include this in a member directory.

There are several default member directories available with MemberLeap. Please let your sales consultant know if you have any custom requirements, including but not limited to, different public directory versus private directory needs, displaying additional output fields, tiering of members, links to custom member profile webpages, etc.

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