Member Lists

The Member List module allows admins and members the ability to easily submit various information relevant to your organization - CEU credits, employment history, volunteer hours, sales, etc.

Member Lists

You can allow members to enter their own data or make that function admin only. Admins can add fields to track different types of data and extract that data out of the system.

  • Text - a normal text input box     
  • Text Caption -  instructions you want to add to sections of the form
  • Checkbox - a simple checkbox they can check or uncheck
  • Selection - a dropdown menu with choices from which they can select
  • Radio button - select an option from a list 
  • Numeric - an input box that accepts a number
  • Numeric Range - low and high minimum and maximum options
  • Multiline - a larger text input box meant for several sentence responses
  • Date - a text input box that lets users easily select a date

Some fields may be required and nested beneath other fields. There is an option to set a List Item Maximum Limit if needed, allow members to delete the data, allow members to edit the data, include the list on New Member Registration, and include a Minimum Number Required on New Member Registration if needed.

Admins can view list data from a member's profile edit page as well as add new data manually or mass upload a CSV of member list data by using the Member Search Field (Database ID, email, or member number). They can also download all member list data in CSV and XLS.