Calendar of Events

March 2023
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Events available for Registration...

Mental Health Section - 2025
1/7/2025 - 12/2/2025
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The APSAC Prevention Series
1/16/2025 - 12/18/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
1/29/2025 - 11/12/2025
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Healthcare Section - 02-05/2025
2/18/2025 - 5/20/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Comprehensive Online 9-Week Course on all of the B's of Child Physical Abuse
3/5/2025 - 4/30/2025
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Healthcare Section - 03/2025
3/18/2025 - 3/18/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
3/27/2025 - 3/27/2025
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Faith Section - 03/2025
3/28/2025 - 3/28/2025
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Mental Health Section - 04/2025
4/1/2025 - 4/1/2025
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Racial Justice Section - April 2025
4/10/2025 - 4/10/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
4/10/2025 - 4/10/2025
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Healthcare Section - 04/2025
4/15/2025 - 4/15/2025
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Mental Health Section - 05/2025
5/6/2025 - 5/6/2025
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The APSAC GRAMMYS: Great Research Among Multidisciplinary Members Last Year
5/8/2025 - 5/8/2025
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APSAC Advisor- Using the Child Abuse Library Online (CALiO?)-Finding Research to Support Practice 
5/9/2025 - 5/9/2025
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Healthcare Section - 05/2025
5/20/2025 - 5/20/2025
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Overview of Best Practices in Child Forensic Interviewing
5/27/2025 - 5/29/2025
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Mental Health Section - 06/2025
6/3/2025 - 6/3/2025
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2025 APSAC Colloquium - New Orleans, LA
6/22/2025 - 6/26/2025
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Mental Health Section - 07/2025
7/1/2025 - 7/1/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
7/23/2025 - 7/23/2025
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Mental Health Section - 08/2025
8/5/2025 - 8/5/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
8/13/2025 - 8/13/2025
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Mental Health Section - 09/2025
9/2/2025 - 9/2/2025
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Mental Health Section - 10/2025
10/7/2025 - 10/7/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
10/8/2025 - 10/8/2025
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Mental Health Section - 11/2025
11/4/2025 - 11/4/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
11/12/2025 - 11/12/2025
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Mental Health Section - 12/2025
12/2/2025 - 12/2/2025
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Events in the month of March 2023
3/7/2023 - 3/7/2023
Workshop Description: This workshop will provide a general introduction to the concept of positive parenting. The history of the positive parenting movement will be briefly introduced and examples will be provided. Evidence for the use of positive parenting techniques will be reviewed. Finally, future directions of the approach will be proposed.
Speaker Biography: George W. Holden, Ph.D. is Professor Emeritus in the Psychology Department at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. He served as chair of the department from 2015 to 2020. Holden’s research interests are in the area of social development, with a focus on parent-child relationships. His work, into the determinants of parental social cognition and behavior, discipline and positive parenting, and the causes and consequences of family violence, has been supported by grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Justice, Department of Health and Human Services, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, the Timberlawn Research Foundation, and the U.S. State Department. He is the author of numerous scientific articles and chapters, as well as the author or editor of five books, includingParenting: A dynamic perspective, currently in its 3rd edition.
Pricing & Registration:
General Admission: $25.00
APSAC Members and The New York Foundling Staff General Admission: Free
1 CE Credit (Social Work & Psychology): $25.00
1 CE Credit (Social Work & Psychology) for APSAC Members and New York Foundling Staff: $15.00
*If you are in New York and would like social work, mental health or psychology CE credits please email
APSAC Members: You will receive your discount automatically when registering.
The New York Foundling Staff: Please email to request your entry code.
3/14/2023 - 3/14/2023
Please note: You must register for each event in this series separately

During this session participants will learn pre-interview considerations for choosing an appropriate interview setting that is trauma-informed and victim-sensitive. In addition, participants will learn pre-interview considerations for adjusting the forensic interview to the individual’s needs, and methods of gathering this information pre-interview. Consideration will be given to the physical setting, timing of the interview, informed consent, language, and comfort items in the interview process.
Presenter: Dermot Whelan

Member Registration: $50
Non-Member Registration: $65
Member CEs: $10
Non-Member CEs: $25

 webinar has the same content that was presented in 2022

3/21/2023 - 3/21/2023
Please note: You must register for each event in this series separately

During this session participants will learn about disabilities in detail including: intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In addition, participants will learn strategies for communicating with children with disabilities.
Presenter: Kate Homan

Member Registration: $50
Non-Member Registration: $65
Member CEs: $10
Non-Member CEs: $25

 webinar has the same content that was presented in 2022