Calendar of Events

June 2023
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Events available for Registration...

Mental Health Section - 2025
1/7/2025 - 12/2/2025
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The APSAC Prevention Series
1/16/2025 - 12/18/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
1/29/2025 - 11/12/2025
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Healthcare Section - 02-05/2025
2/18/2025 - 5/20/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Comprehensive Online 9-Week Course on all of the B's of Child Physical Abuse
3/5/2025 - 4/30/2025
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Healthcare Section - 03/2025
3/18/2025 - 3/18/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
3/27/2025 - 3/27/2025
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Faith Section - 03/2025
3/28/2025 - 3/28/2025
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Mental Health Section - 04/2025
4/1/2025 - 4/1/2025
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Racial Justice Section - April 2025
4/10/2025 - 4/10/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
4/10/2025 - 4/10/2025
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Healthcare Section - 04/2025
4/15/2025 - 4/15/2025
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Mental Health Section - 05/2025
5/6/2025 - 5/6/2025
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The APSAC GRAMMYS: Great Research Among Multidisciplinary Members Last Year
5/8/2025 - 5/8/2025
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APSAC Advisor- Using the Child Abuse Library Online (CALiO?)-Finding Research to Support Practice 
5/9/2025 - 5/9/2025
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Healthcare Section - 05/2025
5/20/2025 - 5/20/2025
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Overview of Best Practices in Child Forensic Interviewing
5/27/2025 - 5/29/2025
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Mental Health Section - 06/2025
6/3/2025 - 6/3/2025
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2025 APSAC Colloquium - New Orleans, LA
6/22/2025 - 6/26/2025
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Mental Health Section - 07/2025
7/1/2025 - 7/1/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
7/23/2025 - 7/23/2025
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Mental Health Section - 08/2025
8/5/2025 - 8/5/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
8/13/2025 - 8/13/2025
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Mental Health Section - 09/2025
9/2/2025 - 9/2/2025
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Mental Health Section - 10/2025
10/7/2025 - 10/7/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
10/8/2025 - 10/8/2025
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Mental Health Section - 11/2025
11/4/2025 - 11/4/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
11/12/2025 - 11/12/2025
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Mental Health Section - 12/2025
12/2/2025 - 12/2/2025
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Events in the month of June 2023
6/6/2023 - 6/6/2023
Please note: You must register for each event in this series separately

During this session participants will learn about disabilities in detail including: physical disability, cerebral palsy, communication disorders, and deaf and hard of hearing children. In addition, participants will learn strategies for communicating with children with disabilities.
Presenter: Dermot Whelan

Member Registration: $50
Non-Member Registration: $65
Member CEs: $10
Non-Member CEs: $25

 webinar has the same content that was presented in 2022

6/7/2023 - 6/7/2023
Workshop Description: This presentation will introduce the participant to Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), an evidence-based parenting intervention. We will explain its procedures- what happens in PCIT, how it happens, as well as why it has proven effective for families in hundreds of research studies. We will talk about the application of this intervention to traumatized children, with specific attention to the benefits and challenges of referring child welfare families and families at risk of entering the child welfare system to PCIT.

Dr. Susan Timmer is the Director of Mental Health Research and Director of PCIT and PC-CARE Training at the UC Davis Children’s Hospital CAARE Center. Dr. Timmer’s primary research interests address the treatment effectiveness of dyadic interventions within high-risk contexts, including maltreatment, domestic violence, foster and adoptive care, and maternal depression. Her research has also explored the effects of family violence on children’s social-emotional development and parent-child interactions. Much of her recent work has involved evaluating different training models to disseminate and implement dyadic therapies. She is a co-developer of PC-CARE and the principal investigator of multiple programs implementing PC-CARE. 

Dr. Brandi Hawk is a licensed psychologist at the UC Davis Children’s Hospital CAARE Center. She is the clinical manager for programs providing mental health services to children in foster care and is a co-developer of Parent-Child Care (PC-CARE), a brief intervention for children and caregivers. She has conducted trainings on children’s mental health, interventions for children, parenting, and childhood trauma both nationally and internationally. Current research interests include the effectiveness of dyadic interventions in the treatment of trauma and disruptive behavior disorders.

Pricing & Registration:
General Admission: $25.00
APSAC Members and The New York Foundling Staff General Admission: Free
1 CE Credit (Social Work & Psychology): $25.00
1 CE Credit (Social Work & Psychology) for APSAC Members and New York Foundling Staff: $15.00
*If you are in New York and would like social work, mental health or psychology CE credits please email
APSAC Members: You will receive your discount automatically when registering.
The New York Foundling Staff: Please email to request your entry code.
6/15/2023 - 6/15/2023

The Racine County Multiple Disciplinary Team in partnership with the local Child Advocacy Center in Racine (CAC) will present a case study involving controlled buys in a home that ended with a warrant execution with children at the scene. How did the MDT partners collaborate for a safe outcome, transport children to the CAC and complete forensic interviews and medical evaluations? Outcomes, lessons learned, collaborative practice and protocol revision opportunities will be discussed during this session.


At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to:

1.Identify opportunities for cross-collaboration with MDT (multidisciplinary team) members & local Child Advocacy Centers responding to "drug endangered children" & DEC needs

2.Identify where roles & responsibilities of MDT partners may be in conflict and how to overcome those barriers in DEC investigations

3.Identify DEC protocol opportunities for implementing best practice and collaboration meeting the needs of children & MDT partners

Rita Ventura – DNP, FNP-BC, Children’s Wisconsin
Dr. Ventura is a certified family nurse practitioner who has been working in the Children’s Wisconsin Child Advocacy and Protection Services program since 2001 predominantly in the Kenosha and Racine Child Advocacy Centers. Dr. Ventura has presented on child maltreatment issues at both state and national conferences and has extensive training and clinical experience in child maltreatment. She routinely evaluates drug endangered children in her clinical practice. She is also a member of the Wisconsin Drug Endangered Children steering committee. 
Kimberly Serpe – CPS Supervisor, Racine County Human Services
Kim has been a supervisor in Child Protective Services with Racine Cty HSD for six years & has over 25 years’ experience in child welfare. She is a founding member of the Racine County DEC Team created in 2009–one of the first teams established in the State of WI. In her role as a supervisor her duties include being the on-call supervisor for DEC joint responses with law enforcement.
Neil McGrath – Special Agent, WI DOJ
Neil has been a Special Agent with the State of Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation for over 26 years.  For most of that time, Agent McGrath investigated drug trafficking throughout the State of Wisconsin, working with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.  Agent McGrath has been a member of the Racine County DEC Team since 2010.  Currently, Agent McGrath is assigned to the Major Crimes Bureau out of the Milwaukee DCI Office, focusing on solving cold cases in Wisconsin utilizing investigative genealogy, however, continues to assist in drug investigations.
Nila Grahl – Manager, Racine/Kenosha CACs
Nila is the Manager of the Racine and Kenosha County Child Advocacy Centers as part of Children’s Wisconsin and has been in this role since 2014. Nila started her career as an attorney with the Office of the Cook County Public Guardian in Chicago, IL. Nila was also the Director and oversaw the creation of the Family Visitation Center of Lake County, IL working with children and parents navigating custody and visitation arrangements when faced with the realities of intimate partner violence.  She serves on the DEC and MDT teams in Racine and Kenosha Counties and has assisted in creating and revising protocols relevant to DEC processes and collaboration.
6/20/2023 - 6/20/2023
Please note: You must register for each event in this series separately

During this session participants will learn specifically about communicating with children with communication disorders, speech language disorders, including interviewing children who utilize communication devices.
Presenter: Staci Whitney

Member Registration: $50
Non-Member Registration: $65
Member CEs: $10
Non-Member CEs: $25

 webinar has the same content that was presented in 2022