Calendar of Events

September 2023
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Events available for Registration...

Mental Health Section - 2025
1/7/2025 - 12/2/2025
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The APSAC Prevention Series
1/16/2025 - 12/18/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
1/29/2025 - 11/12/2025
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Healthcare Section - 02-05/2025
2/18/2025 - 5/20/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Comprehensive Online 9-Week Course on all of the B's of Child Physical Abuse
3/5/2025 - 4/30/2025
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Healthcare Section - 03/2025
3/18/2025 - 3/18/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
3/27/2025 - 3/27/2025
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Faith Section - 03/2025
3/28/2025 - 3/28/2025
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Mental Health Section - 04/2025
4/1/2025 - 4/1/2025
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Racial Justice Section - April 2025
4/10/2025 - 4/10/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
4/10/2025 - 4/10/2025
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Healthcare Section - 04/2025
4/15/2025 - 4/15/2025
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Mental Health Section - 05/2025
5/6/2025 - 5/6/2025
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The APSAC GRAMMYS: Great Research Among Multidisciplinary Members Last Year
5/8/2025 - 5/8/2025
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APSAC Advisor- Using the Child Abuse Library Online (CALiO?)-Finding Research to Support Practice 
5/9/2025 - 5/9/2025
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Healthcare Section - 05/2025
5/20/2025 - 5/20/2025
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Overview of Best Practices in Child Forensic Interviewing
5/27/2025 - 5/29/2025
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Mental Health Section - 06/2025
6/3/2025 - 6/3/2025
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2025 APSAC Colloquium - New Orleans, LA
6/22/2025 - 6/26/2025
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Mental Health Section - 07/2025
7/1/2025 - 7/1/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
7/23/2025 - 7/23/2025
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Mental Health Section - 08/2025
8/5/2025 - 8/5/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
8/13/2025 - 8/13/2025
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Mental Health Section - 09/2025
9/2/2025 - 9/2/2025
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Mental Health Section - 10/2025
10/7/2025 - 10/7/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
10/8/2025 - 10/8/2025
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Mental Health Section - 11/2025
11/4/2025 - 11/4/2025
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The New York Foundling & APSAC Webinar Series on Controversial Topics
11/12/2025 - 11/12/2025
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Mental Health Section - 12/2025
12/2/2025 - 12/2/2025
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Events in the month of September 2023
9/14/2023 - 9/14/2023
Inspired by our commitment to deconstruct white privilege and address the issues of racism that permeate the child maltreatment field, the Commission for Racial Justice in Child Maltreatment will launch a Reading Club in 2021. Led by a diverse group of professionals, topics such as racism in psychotherapy, recognizing micro-aggressions in child maltreatment work, and addressing white supremacy culture, will be discussed. Please join us for what are sure to be important conversations as we share and reflect on the critical issue of promoting racial justice. The reading club is free to attend, regardless of APSAC membership.

Moving beyond implicit bias: Creating an anti-racist work environment

PresentersCandice Simonds & Karen Zilberstein 

Candice Simonds received a Master in Sociology from Western Michigan University and utilized her academic training to develop, manage and direct programs designed to serve the most vulnerable youth, involved in the Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice and County Mental Health systems. After more than a decade of developing and directing intensive community based mental health services for Counties of Solano, Marin, and Napa; Candice returned to school to receive a master of social work from University of Southern California and transitioned to providing medical social services for Lifelong Medical Care, Napa Valley Hospice, and Kaiser Permanente. Currently, Candace is the chief program officer at A Home Within and overseas the strategic plan to advance the mission of A Home Within. Additionally, Candace operates a private practice concerned with compassionately discovering new possibilities and modalities to respond to psychosocial distress related to multiethnic cultural identity.

Moderator: Mary L. Pulido, PhD

9/21/2023 - 9/21/2023
Workshop Description: Parents were asked to keep track of when they became angry with their children and to note when their anger escalated to their use of verbal and physical  forms of punishment. Cluster analysis indicated that there were eight categories of perceived provocations that can be summarized with the mnemonic II CE HOPE. This presentation will provide examples of each of these triggers and consider the implications for parent training. Repetitive non-compliance and the attribution of intentionality ("did it on purpose") were key features contributing to the use of hitting behaviors.

Bio: Dr. Don Meichenbaum is a distinguished professor emeritus from the University of Waterloo in  Ontario Canada  from which he took early retirement 25 years ago. Since that time he has been Research Director of the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention in Miami ( He is one of the founders of Cognitive behavior therapy  and in a survey of clinician she was voted "One of the ten most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century." He has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Clinical Division of the American Psychological Association and  was Honorary President  of the Canadian Psychological Association. He has presented in all 50 U.S. states and internationally and he has published extensively. His latest book is entitled "Treating individuals with addictive disorders.” He has placed his book Roadmap to resilience on the Internet for FREE. His book has been downloaded by 43, 000 + visitors from 167 countries worldwide, visit for a FREE copy. Dr. Meichenbaum has just celebrated his 82nd birthday. He has four children and seven grandchildren.
Pricing & Registration:
General Admission: $25.00
APSAC Members and The New York Foundling Staff General Admission: Free
1 CE Credit (Social Work & Psychology): $25.00
1 CE Credit (Social Work & Psychology) for APSAC Members and New York Foundling Staff: $15.00
*If you are in New York and would like social work, mental health or psychology CE credits please email
APSAC Members: You will receive your discount automatically when registering.
The New York Foundling Staff: Please email to request your entry code.
9/27/2023 - 11/29/2023
This is the event registration for Part 1, 2, & 3

Member Registration: $150 
Non-member Registration: $175 

Event dates: September 27, October 25 & November 29

PART 1 What is the Name of your Cat – Exploring the Free Narrative (September 27)
Description: The free narrative step is a research based best practice in investigative interviews for obtaining the child or youth’s version of events in their own words. If you are curious about how the name of your cat is related to the free narrative, this webinar will explore types of questions / prompts in the free narrative step and what the research tells us about interviewers’ ability to stay in the free narrative. Participants will learn the principles of the free narrative step, how to effectively use open-ended questions / prompts and strategies to stay in the free narrative step.

PART 2 - Why Follow the Rules – Exploring Interview Rules (October 25)
Description: Interview rules are a research based best practice for investigative interviews. Our society has many sets of rules, and we don’t always follow them. This webinar will explore the research behind interview rules and how following the rules can benefit the interviewee and the interviewer. Participants will learn about the most common interview rules and be provided with strategies for effective implementation of the interview rules.

PART 3 - Fun in the Funnel – Exploring Focused Questions (November 29)
Description:The funnel is an analogy to understand the concept of beginning with broad questions and moving to more focused questions. The concept of broad to more focused questions is a best practice for gaining accurate information in the least leading manner. This webinar will explore how to gather information about events or topics. The fun in the funnel is learning how this concept can build structure in an investigative interview, which is beneficial for the interviewee and the interviewer. Participants will learn how to apply the funnel concept and strategies for building structure in an interview.

Presenter Bio: Andy Stuart is the Training Division Manager with The Forensic Practice in British Columbia, Canada. Andy became a StepWise instructor in 2008, under the direct supervision of Dr. John Yuille and Dr. Hugues Hervé. Since then, he has trained hundreds of front-line staff in StepWise interviewing. As the Training Division Manager, he mentors new trainers, consults with interviewers in the field, and contributes to new workshop development. In 2001, his policing career began, and after completing twenty years of service, Andy held the rank of Staff Sergeant at the Saanich Police Department, Victoria, BC. He is the recipient of multiple police commendations, including the Meritorious Service Medal from the Provincial Lt. Governor. He has also held positions as a sessional instructor at Camosun College and an online instructor at the University of Manitoba. Academically, Andy holds a diploma in Criminal Justice, a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, and a Master’s degree in Public Administration.