Description: Aproximadamente 50% de la población experimentará algún tipo de evento posiblemente traumático (ej.., exposición a violencia en el hogar o comunidad, abuso físico, emocional o sexual, desastre natural, muerte violenta de un ser querido, etc.) durante la vida. La exposición a trauma aumenta significativamente el riesgo de desarrollar trastornos de salud mental incluyendo el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT), ansiedad, depresión, ideación suicida y conductas de autolesión, uso de sustancias, entre otros. Objetivos de este taller: 1) Definir lo que es un trauma y experiencias adversas en la niñez, 2) Describir el impacto del trauma y las señales de alerta/síntomas comunes de trauma por nivel de desarrollo; 3) Describir lo que es atención informada en trauma y estrategias prácticas de afrontamiento.
(Approximately 50% of the population will experience some type of possibly traumatic event (e.g., exposure to violence in the home or community, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, natural disaster, violent death of a loved one, etc.) during their lifetime. Exposure to trauma significantly increases the risk of developing mental health disorders including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation and self-harm behaviors, substance use, among others. The objectives of this workshop are to: 1) Define what trauma and adverse childhood experiences are, 2) Describe the impact of trauma and common warning signs/symptoms of trauma by developmental level; 3) Describe what trauma-informed care is and provide practical coping strategies to use with youth.
Presenter: Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, PhD
APSAC Members: Free
Non-Member Registration: $35
2 CE Credits (Social Work & Psychology) Non-Members: $30.00
2 CE Credits (Social Work & Psychology) APSAC Members: $20.00
This presentation examines the complex, nonlinear, and understudied relationship between maternal employment and unemployment, and patterns of employment and unemployment, and four types of child maltreatment. We describe the employment status and often nonstandard employment patterns of high-risk mothers at three child developmental ages and apply the results in the context of three theories used in extant research to understand the relationship between economic hardship and child maltreatment. We find that both too much and not enough paid employment are associated with increased risk for child maltreatment, and neglect in particular. Our findings indicate that income-support programs tied to employment maybe ineffective mechanisms for many families to balance time and money, key factors in the prevention of child maltreatment. As policy makers seek new approaches to prevent child maltreatment with a renewed focus on the role of poverty, researchers, policymakers, and clinicians must understand and consider the employment patterns of at-risk mothers as they seek to develop and implement new concrete supports for families.
Presenters: Jeehae Kang, MSW; William Schneider, PhD; Megan Feely, PhD
Even seasoned clinicians can frequently feel uncertain about how to address intense and chronic parent - adolescent conflict, especially that which periodically places individual family members at emotional and potentially physical risk. This webinar will provide a brief conceptual overview of a family-level intervention designed specifically to Behaviorally extinguish patterns of family conflict that typically occur around parent adolescent conflict dynamics. It will also guide clinicians through an example of how to provide the family with the necessary foundational psychoeducation within a single family session to start the work of reducing their harmful conflict over time.
Presenters: Samuel J . Fasulo, PhD; Whitney E . Waugh, PhD
Description: Want to incorporate AI into your professional work but need a starting point? This session will show you how to use AI marketing applications to strengthen your messaging and reach wider audiences.
Why attend?
Learn how AI tools improve outreach and work processes without replacing human connection and expertise.
What you'll take away:
- See the impact of Marketing AI on organizations through actual tools and examples
- Start with simple AI tools to enhance your marketing strategy and measure results from week one
- Test proven AI approaches to extend your reach and build systems to multiply your impact
- Which AI tools work best for your use case?
- How do you maintain message accuracy with AI?
- What tasks should stay human-led vs AI-assisted?
Presenter: Erica Salm Rench
Corporal punishment (CP) is associated with a multitude of short- and long-term consequences for children which can negatively impact mental and physical health. However, many American adults continue to endorse the use of CP in both the home and school setting. Seventeen states continue to allow CP in public schools and the majority of states allow its use in the private school setting. Child advocacy professionals from a variety of disciplines must ensure that parents and American society in general are fully knowledgeable about CP use, understand its potential for negative outcomes for children, and are aware of healthy and effective alternatives to CP. This webinar will explore CP by defining different types, discussing consequences, describing challenges to eradication in the United States, and suggesting interventions by APSAC professionals to effect change to see the end of CP use in America.
Presenters: Ellen M . Chiocca, PhD, CPNP, APRN; Gail Hornor, DNP, CPNP, SANE-P
Description: With this Zoom Chat Ibrahim Bangura, founder of Future Leaders Initiative, Sierra Leone and Dr. Lucien X. Lombardo of Old Dominion University and a member of the National No Hit Zone Committee in the US illustrate and discuss 6 strategic lessons from their work to bring NO HIT ZONES to Sierra Leone. We hope these comparative lessons sharpen the focus of lenses through which we view our professional prevention work and its connections to NO HIT ZONES.
1. What to know about Sierra Leone: Children’s Perspective
2. Some background on Sierra Leone and violence in children’s lives
3. Sorting through the reasons to “not hit children’! Evidence, rights, dignity
4. Community Sensitization and Awareness Campaigns: not just the NHZ location
5. Training and Capacity-Building for Teachers: Adding perspective to ‘teaching’ on
6. Youth and Child Engagement Through Peer Advocacy: generational change
7. Parents2Parents (P2P) Community Support Groups: Sharing and Empowering to
8. Issuing No Hit Zone Signage : Visibility to community
Presenters: Ibrahim Bangura and Lucien Lombardo, PhD
Despite a call for action to address the needs of infants and toddlers in the child welfare system, they continue to be overrepresented in allegations of abuse and neglect, substantiated cases of maltreatment, and entry into foster care. Given the ongoing unique needs for infants and toddlers involved with child protective services, the rising proportion of this age group with substantiated reports, and the importance of this developmental period, practitioners involved with maltreatment prevention and promotion of child and family well-being are in an important position to provide the necessary support for infants, toddlers, and families in need. Therefore, the goals of this presentation are first, to provide the necessary background information to understand the developmental impact of maltreatment on infants and toddlers; and second, to provide information on available resources and practice recommendations that practitioners can use to support infants, toddlers, and their families.
Presenters: Margaret Gillis, PhD & Jenifer Goldman Fraser, PhD,