Event Registration - CAEP - Superior
Overview of Federal and California Endangered Species Act Consultations
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST

Location: Delta Conveyance Authority Board Room, 980 9th Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95814

Registration ends on 10/10/2024

Event Description
AEP is offering this event as both in-person and also as a webinar from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.

California Endangered Species Act (CESA) was enacted in 1970, followed closely by the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973. Most biologists working in the State of California will encounter CESA and ESA at some point in their careers. Please join us for a two-hour workshop discussing the background, similarities, and differences of ESA and CESA, and understanding the processes and procedures for navigating ESA and CESA consultations. Topics covered include: (1) ESA and CESA backgrounds, processes, and procedures; (2) Preparing a biological assessment (for ESA); (3) Preparing an incidental take permit application (for CESA); (4) Understanding the similarities and differences between ESA and CESA consultations, including how these may work together; and (5) Practice scenarios for biologists preparing the consultation documents and conducting an impact analysis for biological resources.

Panelists: Linda Leeman, Ascent, Principal; Kelly Holland-Fitzgerald, GEI Consultants, Senior Wildlife Biologist & Regulatory Specialist
Moderator: Stephanie Parsons, CEO, CreativEnvironment Group

Location:              Delta Conveyance Authority Board Room, 980 9th Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95814
Cost:     FREE for AEP members; $30 for non-members

Webinar Link will be emailed to all registrants.

If you register for in-person, but decide to join webinar instead (or vice-versa), please let us know by emailing janet.dallas@aecom.com, so we can adjust the seating, as-needed.

If you have any issues with registration, contact Janet Dallas, AEP Chapter Treasurer at janet.dallas@aecom.com or (916) 607-1775. If you need to cancel, please contact Janet Dallas. 

may pay via PayPal on the registration website or bring to the event cash or check payable to AEP or mail check to AEP c/o Janet Dallas, Treasurer, 2020 L Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95811. We do NOT have a way to take credit cards on-site that day. If those payment options don’t work for you contact Janet Dallas at janet.dallas@aecom.com or (916) 607-1775, and I can work something out with you.

If you are paying by check,
Make Check payable to AEP
Bring check to event or Mail Check to
c/o Janet Dallas, Treasurer
2020 L Street, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95811
Thank you for registering for AEP's 
Overview of Federal and California Endangered Species Act Consultations
October 10, 2024 -10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
AEP is offering this event as both in-person and also as a webinar from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Location:              Delta Conveyance Authority Board Room, 980 9th Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95814
Webinar:               We'll send you webinar link in separate email.

California Endangered Species Act (CESA) was enacted in 1970, followed closely by the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973. Most wildlife biologists working in the State of California will encounter CESA and ESA at some point in their careers. Please join us for a two-hour workshop discussing the background, similarities, and differences of ESA and CESA, and understanding the processes and procedures for navigating ESA and CESA consultations. Topics covered include: (1) ESA and CESA backgrounds, processes, and procedures; (2) Preparing a biological assessment (for ESA); (3) Preparing an incidental take permit application (for CESA); (4) Understanding the similarities and differences between ESA and CESA consultations, including how these may work together; and (5) Practice scenarios for biologists preparing the consultation documents and conducting an impact analysis for biological resources.

Panelists: Linda Leeman, Ascent, Principal; Kelly Holland-Fitzgerald, GEI Consultants, Senior Wildlife Biologist & Regulatory Specialist
Moderator: Stephanie Parsons, CEO, CreativEnvironment Group

If you register for in-person, but decide to join webinar instead (or vice-versa) or need to cancel, please let us know by emailing janet.dallas@aecom.com, so we can adjust the seating, as-needed.