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Michigan Academic Library Association
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MiALA Annual Conference Call for Poster Proposals
Poster proposals should include a description of no more than 300 words. Poster proposals will be evaluated on relevance to the academic library profession, originality and creativity, and clarity/applicability of content and outcomes. Additional consideration will be made on the relevance to the 2021 Annual Conference theme: Grounded and growing. This is a targeted call for posters on research and library projects related to current events in libraries including: -Antiracism work in libraries in response to events of 2020 -Quick pivots in service models during COVID shutdowns. What have we learned? -How COVID adjustments will transform library service models long-term -Staff work-life balance in the work-from-home environment -Role of academic libraries in a hyper-politicized era Participation from librarians, library staff, LIS students, and administrators from all types of academic libraries is encouraged. ***Note: No identifying information should appear within the abstract or description provided in the proposal, in order to ensure the impartiality of the blind review committee. If a proposal is a collaborative submission, all identifying information from all contributors must be excluded from the proposal.*** MiALA membership is not required to submit a proposal. Please submit your poster proposal by March 5, 2021. Submitters will be contacted about the status of their proposed poster by March 26, 2021. For more information regarding proposal guidelines and presenter expectations, please review the Poster Session Guideline page at: https://miala.org/annual_conference_poster_guide.php prior to submitting your proposal. Any questions may be sent to the Poster Session Coordinator, David Scott (scottd@ferris.edu).
- Required Field
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Presenter name, if different than above - this person will be the main contact with MiALA.
Presenter Title *
Presenter Organization *
Address *
City, State, Zip *
I am a member of MiALA. *
How many presenters will this poster have? If you have multiple presenters, please only submit one proposal *
-- No Selection --
Choose 1
Additional Presenter Names, Titles, Organizations, & Email Addresses
Title of poster *
Poster Abstract (published online and in conference program): (Limit to 75 words) Note: No identifying information should appear within the abstract or description provided in the proposal, in order to ensure the impartiality of the blind review committee. If a proposal is a collaborative submission, all identifying information from all contributors must be excluded from the proposal. *
Poster Description: (Limit to 300 words. Provide a clear description of your poster including content and target audience.) Note: No identifying information should appear within the abstract or description provided in the proposal, in order to ensure the impartiality of the blind review committee. If a proposal is a collaborative submission, all identifying information from all contributors must be excluded from the proposal. *
I have read and understand all expectations provided at: https://miala.org/annual_conference_poster_guide.php *
I understand that if selected, I am responsible for presenting a poster at the date/time provided during the MiALA 2021 Annual Conference. *
I understand that if selected, I, as well as any co-presenter(s), will register for and attend the MiALA Annual Conference (MiALA does not provide funding, compensation, or reimbursement for conference presenters, with the exception of the Keynote Speaker and scholarship recipients.) *
I understand that if selected, I will comply with program deadlines. *
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