License to Publish
If you are considering submitting an article for publication in Community Association LIVING, you are required to electronically sign a copy of our License to Publish agreement.

License to Publish

The following non-exclusive License to Publish (“License”) must be signed and returned to the Austin Chapter Community Association Institute (“CAI”) before a manuscript can be accepted for publication. If the contribution to Community Association Living described below, is a joint work, CAI requires that each joint author sign this License or elect one author to sign it as duly authorized agent. If the copyright in the contribution is owned by the author’s employer, the employer or an authorized representative must sign this form. In the event the CAI decides not to publish the Work in Community Association Living, this License shall be null and void.
  1. In consideration of publication in Community Association Living of the work and all associated supplemental materials, data and/or video files (the “Work”) and authored by you (“Author”), a non-exclusive, irrevocable right is hereby granted to CAI to publish, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, store, translate and otherwise use the Work in any form, manner, format, or medium, whether now known or hereafter developed, throughout the world and in any language, for the entire duration of any such right and any renewal or extension thereof and to permit/sublicense others to do any or all of the foregoing as well.
  2. Ownership of the copyright shall remain with the Author, subject to the rights granted to CAI in paragraph 1. CAI shall be the holder of title to the “Definitive Version of the Work” only, for purpose of registration. The “Definitive Version of the Work” shall be deemed to be the version of the Work accepted for publication in Community Association Living including changes resulting from peer review, copy editing and production.
  3. Author retains right to use the Work without further permission but only after publication of the Work in Community Association Living and subject to the requirement that credit be given to its first publication in the appropriate issue of Community Association Living, as follows: The definitive version was published in Community Association Living ___ Quarter, 20__.
  4. Author warrants and represents that the Work is original, that all the facts contained therein are true and accurate, and that the Work has not been published elsewhere, and does not infringe upon any copyright, proprietary, or personal rights of any third party. If the Work contains any material that is owned or controlled by a third party, Author certifies that he/she has obtained permission for its use (please attach evidence of this) and that the material is clearly acknowledge within the text.
By signing the agreement, Author warrants that he/she has the full power to enter into this agreement. This agreement shall remain in effect throughout the term of copyright in the Work and may not be revoked without the express written consent of both parties.

The Agreement shall be governed and construed, and any dispute arising hereunder resolved, in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without resort to the conflicts of laws principles thereof.