University Aviation Association

Your Voice Counts
Now Accepting Nominations for 2025 UAA Board of Trustees. This could be your opportunity for a rewarding contribution of service to your association and your profession. University Aviation Association membership annually elects members to the governing Board of Trustees. The Board is comprised of five Officers and fifteen Trustees elected by our membership to represent collegiate institutions and the industry at large.

Nominations are being accepted for five (5) Board of Trustees positions for the August 1, 2024 elections:
  • President & Vice President - 2 year term
  • Educator Trustee - 3 positions, 3 year term 
  • Industry Trustee - 1 position, 3 year term
  • Member at Large - 1 position, 3 year term

Each position is elected by ballot of the membership. Election results will be announced at the UAA Collegiate Aviation Education Conference being held September 25-27, 2024 in Memphis, TN, and will join the Board of Trustees January 1, 2025.

Individuals may self nominate. Nominating someone does not guaranteed their placement on the ballot. The nominations committee strives to develop a well-rounded ballot representative of membership as a whole and without duplicate college or institution representation among trustees.