Photo Galleries
Number of Photos

2019 Leadership Retreat
Pictures taken during the August 6, 2019 Leadership Retreat at the Hannah Community Center, East Lansing, MI

#MiALAAC19 Photos
Photos taken during the 2019 Annual Conference

#MiALA18 Annual Conference
Pictures taken during the 3rd Annual Conference held May 16-18, 2018 at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center on the Campus of Michigan State University.

Fall Kick Off Photos
Photos taken at the fall kick off event on 10/10/2014. Taken by Louis Villafranca

June Membership Meeting
Photos taken at June 19, 2015 membership meeting at University of Michigan - Dearborn, University Center.

2016-2017 Board Retreat
Photos from the 2016-2017 Board Retreat held on June 30 - July 1, 2016 at the offices of MCLS in Lansing, Michigan.

Librarians and Vendors: Colleagues in Collections 11/30/17
Pictures taken before the eResources Interest Group pop up conference.