Committee Management

Organize your Projects, Committees, Board, and Chapters* 

*Chapters who don't require their own payment gateways

Often, organizing members into groups and subgroups is necessary - frequently as projects, committees, councils, or even your board of directors. This module allows these groups of members the following:

  • Member sign up - members have the opportunity to sign up for a committee through the Engagement option on the Member Menu (if the project has opening available); participation can be pended until an Admin, Chair, or Co-Chair approve them
  • Broadcast Email - send broadcast messages to the group; restricting Chairs and Co-Chairs to only select email templates designated for their individual committees
  • Broadcast Text - quickly send broadcast texts to your committee members
  • File sharing - share private documents via a committee-level file archive
  • Message boards - participate in message boards, limited to the committee
  • Project web pages - publish their own web pages (private or public)
  • Committee Members - opt to provide just a list of the members' names, additional contact information, or a roster
  • Calendar - each committee can manage their own events
  • Web Links - provide a list of relevant links to web pages
  • Permissions customizations - each project/committee can be assigned a Chair and a Co-Chair who can be granted as much or as little system permissions as the association admin chooses.
  • Task management - You can create, assign, and manage tasks for your committee members.
Projects and Committees