Project/Committee Details
CHLA/ABSC Knowledge Synthesis Interest Group
The Knowledge Synthesis Interest Group provides opportunities for librarians and other Canadian health information professionals to discuss methodological issues and provide mutual support related to topics in knowledge synthesis (including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, realist reviews, scoping reviews, practice guidelines and other forms of synthesis). (CIHR, 2016)

The goals of the interest group are:
--To share knowledge about literature search methods and related aspects in knowledge synthesis.
--To network with individuals and institutions working in the field of knowledge synthesis.

CHLA/ABSC members can sign up to be members of this interest group using the link below. Both individual and institutional members are welcome.

To subscribe to our listserv (ks-list), please use this link:

The Knowledge Synthesis Interest Group is co-chaired by Erica Nikolaichuk ( and Zahra Premji (
Primary Contact:
Zahra Premji
Contact Email:
Project/Committee Member Information
Ms Charlotte Beck
Sarah Cairns
Sabine Calleja
Amanda Caputo
Carol Cooke
Rachel Couban
Jessie Cunningham
Orvie Dingwall
Ursula Ellis
Amy Faulkner
Mr. Justin Fuhr
Maren Goodman
Genevieve Gore
Mrs Alex Goudreau
Sandra Halliday
Caroline Higgins
Margaret Hoogland
Megan Kennedy
Erin Langman
Ms. Mê-Linh Lê
Ms. Iveta Lewis
Sara Loree
Dr Diane Lorenzetti
Heather MacDonald
Ms Quenby Mahood
Ms. Melissa Mantyka
Sarah C McGill
Sandra McKeown
Cari Merkley
Lukas Miller
Ms Caroline Monnin
Adam Mulcaster
Ms. Tamara Navarro-Ruan
Christine Neilson
Erica Nekolaichuk
Library Ontario Shores Centre
Robin Parker
Ms. Eleni Philippopoulos
Dr Zahra Premji
Andrea Quaiattini
Amanda Ross-White
Dr. Melissa Rothfus
Dr. Margaret Sampson
Mrs. Deanna Townsend
Ms Sadaf Ullah
University of Ottawa
Ms. Melissa Walter
Ms. Connie Winther
Linda Yang
Elizabeth Yates
Ms. Carolyn Ziegler