Our Mission: To connect and enrich the Illinois water community
and increase the awareness of the impact and value of water.

Committees Details
Awards Committee
The mission of the Awards Committee is to recognize & honor outstanding members and organizations within IWEA, as well as promote IWEA nominees for WEF awards on the national level. Awards cover all different facets of our industry from Outstanding Young Professional to the Burke Safety Award and many more. For information on all of the awards see: https://www.iweasite.org/awards.php

Interested in joining the Awards committee?

The typical committee member should expect 1-2 hours of monthly commitment October-December during nomination/award season and less than one hour a month for the remainder of the year.

Activities include soliciting and evaluating nominations for the annual WEF and IWEA awards and coordinating the presentation of the awards at the Awards Banquet during the annual conference. The committee will prepare necessary documents to submit for national WEF awards. It is also the Awards Committee's responsibility to develop the criteria for any new proposed IWEA awards recommended by the IWEA Board.
Primary Contact:
Jeffrey Kowar
Contact Email:
Committees Member Information
Mr. Jeffrey Kowar
Treatment Plant Operator II
Christopher Buckley
Engineering Enterprises, Inc.
Ms Kelly Lockerbie
Donohue & Associates, Inc.
Water and Wastewater Engineer
Mr. Faruk Oksuz
Black & Veatch
Vice President
Mr. Eddie Paulino
Associate Civil Engineer
Norman Rose
Daniel Small
Project Manager
Mr Lou Storino
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Xiaolong Wang
In-Pipe Technology Company Inc