Interest Groups/Committees Details
Distance and Online Learning IG
The Distance and Online Learning Interest Group will endeavor to foster professional development skills through the promotion of learning and collaboration. Best practices in teaching and information delivery will also be shared. This IG will also advocate for products, benefits, and other services on behalf of interested Distance and Online Learning IG members so that participants can better serve their schools and other constituents.

Topics to be included under this heading include, but are not limited to, the following:
Embedded librarianship
Distance and/or online learning
Delivery systems
Virtual reference
Online learning support
Virtual labs/applications/tools

These topics will be discussed as they apply to both physical and virtual environments.
Primary Contact:
Elizabeth Walker-Papke
Contact Phone:
Interest Groups/Committees Member Information
Mr. Jonathan Scherger
(IGCC Liaison)
Lisa Anderson
Stacy Anderson
Jonathan Barber
Jillian Beckwell
Caitlin Benallack
Ms Teresa Biegun
Meredith Bishop
Jennifer Blossey
Elizabeth Bucciarelli
Kyle Ceci
Anne Dempsey
Thad Dickinson
Mike Dutkewych
Anne Elias
Hannah Gingrich
Ms. Alexandra Hauser
Emily Hayes
Kelli Herm
Margaret Hoogland
Ms. Sarah Joseph
Dr. Chana Kraus-Friedberg
Molly Ledermann
Jane Lewandoski
Denise Leyton
Bill Marino
Sandra McCarthy
Rachel Melton
Stephen Michaels
Jennifer Mikesell
Jennifer Mikesell
Amelia Mowry
Trista Nelson
Ms Lisa Presley
Mrs. Michelle Roberts
Mrs Rachel Smith
Jill Sodt
Jill Spreitzer
Michael Strahan
Duane Strojny
Liz Svoboda
Sandra Teft
Elizabeth Walker-Papke
Dawn Winans