Interest Groups/Committees Details
Critical Librarianship IG
The Critical Practice Interest Group was created to explore critical theory as it relates to libraries. Examples of this might include: incorporating critical pedagogies (i.e., gender, race, ethnicity, sexualities, class, space, and linguistics) into Information Literacy classes, social justice issues as they relate to libraries, serving under-served populations better, programming & collection development for more diversity & on social justice issues, various types of community outreach, and a whole host of other issues.
Primary Contact:
Ashley Rosener & Andrea Salazar McMillan
Interest Groups/Committees Member Information
Ashley Rosener
(IG Chair)
Heidi Keppen Palmer
(IGCC Liaison)
Jonathan Barber
Caitlin Benallack
Jackie Blonigen
Moya Bonzelaar
Mr. Steven K. Bowers
Mr Michael Bradford
Ms. Amy Brandt
Dr. Emera Bridger Wilson
Meagan Brown
Kyle Ceci
Ms Lauren Day
Jennifer Dean
Anne Dempsey
Thad Dickinson
Amber Dierking
Mr. Jesus Espinoza
Heather Fisher
Emily Frigo
Kelly Frost
Amy Fyn
Corey Goethe
Carin Graves
Chantell Graves
Kelli Herm
Margaret Hoogland
Mr. Jon Jeffryes
Tiler Jewell
Beth Johns
Ms. Sarah Joseph
Angie Kelleher
Dr. Chana Kraus-Friedberg
Ms. Kate Langan
Devin Leatherman
Molly Ledermann
Jane Lewandoski
Francene Lewis
Denise Leyton
Emilia Marcyk
Mx Dylan McGlothlin
Andrea McMillan
Rachel Melton
Sara Memmott
Linda Miles
Miss Mary Catherine Moeller
Leah Morin
Amelia Mowry
Trista Nelson
Christina Radisauskas
Geri Rinna
Ms. Alexandra Rivera
Ms. Dianna Sachs
Nicole Smeltekop
Jill Spreitzer
Caitlyn Stypa
Sandra Teft
Virginia Thomas
Lauren Vogt
Todd Wiebe