The Michigan Alma IG was created to focus on the ExLibris integrated library system, Alma, its relationships to both discovery layers (Primo or Summon) and fully incorporating it to existing and new possible workflows. The Michigan Alma IG will look to build upon its shared local knowledge of Alma, as it pertains to the Michigan library community, to the fullest. This is accomplished by sharing tips and tricks for workflows like ILL, work orders, and the like; how best to build, collect and manage reports and usage data; as well as ways of sharing XML/XSL coding for customization. For institutions considering Alma, this IG could serve as means of scaffolding the migration process, thus saving new institutions time preparing for and adapting to the new environment.
Finally, this IG can also fill in the local needs that neither ELUNA nor GLUG are able to provide. For instance, the Michigan Alma IG can support resources sharing through MeLCat or other resource sharing platforms that are specific to Michigan. The Michigan Alma IG is not designed to replace or duplicate ELUNA nor GLUG. Rather, it is to provide local support. The purpose of the Michigan Alma IG is to provide that local support which helps libraries fully leverage Alma within the Michigan Library Community.