The Indiana Psychological Association's (IPA) "Find a Psychologist" directory will help you find a psychologist that can meet your indivicual needs.
you can search for a provider by location, services offered, clients served, and more.
All psychologists in "Find a Psychologist" are IPA members who have been chosen to be on this list. IPA
does not verify the information provided by the psychologist, endorse any psychologist, or guarantee satisfaction with the services they provide. IPA encourages you to obtain additional information regarding
psychologist's training, experience, malpractice insurance, etc., before selecting a provider.
How to Search
Begin your search by using the search criteria boxes found below. For example, if you are looking for someone who works in a specific clinical area, click on
your selection in the "practice focus" section. You can search with a single criterion, or select a combination of criteria at a time. (Please note: Combining criteria may restrict the amount of search results you recieve.
If your search results in only a few or no psychologists, try searching with fewer criteria.) Click the Search button at the bottom of the page to begin the search. Search results will appear in a new screen. Click on the
name of the psychologist to access more information about them.
The psychologist may provide "links" to his/her email address through a Contact Form. IPA provides these links for the convenience of the user and
does not endorse, approve, certify, or make warranties or representations as to the accuracy of these links or information contained within.
Begin Search
Please review the following information,
and indicate that you have read and agreed to the terms for usage of this site.
Psychologists participating in "Find a Psychologist" are members of IPA in good standing and licensed by the State of Indiana through the Indiana Professional
Licensing Agency (IPLA) at the initiation of this directory. The IPLA is the regulatory agency for the practice of psychology in Indiana. It is the responsibility of each participating psychologist to advise
IPA of any changes in his or her status with the IPLA. Information on licensing requirements for psychologists and the current status of all individual licensees is available to consumers at the Indiana
Professional Licensing Agency State Psychology Board website.
IPA maintains "Find a Psychologist" as a service to the community, and as such, does not endorse specific
psychologists or guarantee treatment or evaluation outcomes. IPA does not examine or determine the competence of any provided listed in this directory. IPA does not require a minimum number of years of experience
or specify malpractice insurance coverage to be included in this directory. IPA cannot and does not provide any warranties related to the information contained in this directory or the services provided by a
psychologist listed within.
Use of this directory to locate a psychologist is voluntary and will not result in any liability against IPA. In no event shall IPA be liable for damages to any user of this site
for the voluntary selection of a psychologist, for the services provided by a listed psychologist, or for any other damages which may occur.
The names in this directory may not be used for marketing or sales
purposes or to establish independent data files or information without IPA's express written permission.
The Indiana Psychological Association's (IPA) "Find a Psychologist" directory will help you find a psychologist that can meet your indivicual needs.
you can search for a provider by location, services offered, clients served, and more.
All psychologists in "Find a Psychologist" are IPA members who have been chosen to be on this list. IPA
does not verify the information provided by the psychologist, endorse any psychologist, or guarantee satisfaction with the services they provide. IPA encourages you to obtain additional information regarding
psychologist's training, experience, malpractice insurance, etc., before selecting a provider.
Psychologists participating in "Find a Psychologist" are members of IPA in good standing and licensed by the State of Indiana through the Indiana Professional
Licensing Agency (IPLA) at the initiation of this directory. The IPLA is the regulatory agency for the practice of psychology in Indiana. It is the responsibility of each participating psychologist to advise
IPA of any changes in his or her status with the IPLA. Information on licensing requirements for psychologists and the current status of all individual licensees is available to consumers at the Indiana
Professional Licensing Agency State Psychology Board website.
IPA maintains "Find a Psychologist" as a service to the community, and as such, does not endorse specific
psychologists or guarantee treatment or evaluation outcomes. IPA does not examine or determine the competence of any provided listed in this directory. IPA does not require a minimum number of years of experience
or specify malpractice insurance coverage to be included in this directory. IPA cannot and does not provide any warranties related to the information contained in this directory or the services provided by a
psychologist listed within.
Use of this directory to locate a psychologist is voluntary and will not result in any liability against IPA. In no event shall IPA be liable for damages to any user of this site
for the voluntary selection of a psychologist, for the services provided by a listed psychologist, or for any other damages which may occur.
The names in this directory may not be used for marketing or sales
purposes or to establish independent data files or information without IPA's express written permission.