8:30 - 8:50 | Registration & Light Refreshments |
8:50 - 9:00 | Welcome & Housekeeping |
9:00 - 9:40 | Library Assessment in the 21st Century: Implementing an Inclusive and Sustainable Assessment Plan to Create a Values Driven, Evidence Based Environment That Enhances Both Student Success and Library Services Scott Mellendorf, Head of Research Services & Ashley Blinstrub, Research and Assessment Librarian, Saginaw Valley State University |
9:45 - 10:25 | Assessing and Improving Student Retention Through the Use of Learning Boosters Alexander Deeke, Digital Learning Librarian & Alexandra Rivera, Student Engagement and Community Outreach Librarian, University of Michigan |
10:25 - 10:40 | Break |
10:40 - 11:20 | Assessment and Social Justice Karl Ericson, Librarian, University of Detroit Mercy |
11:25 - 11:45 | Two concurrent sessions Surveys! Do Think Twice Heidi Burkhardt, User Experience Specialist, University of Michigan OR A Study of the Value of eBooks Purchased via Interlibrary Loan at University of Michigan Hanh Bui, Borrowing Specialist, University of Michigan |
11:45 - 1:00 | Networking Lunch |
1:00 - 1:20 | Two concurrent sessions The Efficiency of Long, Open-ended Interviews Linda Knox, Learning Design Librarian, Assoc. Director for Academic Initiatives, University of Michigan Duderstadt Center OR Achieving a True Focus: Thesis Development in the Freshman Engineering Research Paper Edward Eckel, Engineering and Applied Sciences Librarian, Western Michigan University |
1:25 - 1:35 | Formative & Summative Assessment Using Google Forms Kelly Frost, User Education/Experience Librarian, Kellogg Community College |
1:40 - 2:00 | Assessing an Assessment: The New NSSE-IL Module Debbie Morrow, Liaison Librarian, Grand Valley State University |
2:05 - 2:15 | Assessing the Library: A Christian Liberal Arts College's Library Wide Assessment Project Amy James, Emerging Technologies Librarian, Assistant Professor, Spring Arbor University |
2:15 - 2:30 | Break |
2:30 - 2:50 | Public Programming Assessment: Beyond the Head Count Hui Hua Chua, Collections and User Support Librarian & Deborah Margolis, Middle East Studies and Anthropology Librarian, Michigan State University |
2:55 - 3:05 | Informationists and Library Impact on Patient and Population Care: Strategies, Process, and Practicalities Judy Smith, Carol Shannon, Jacqueline Freeman, Jean Song, Gurpreet Rana, & Mark MacEachern, University of Michigan |
3:10 - 3:30 | #UMreads: An Assessment of Undergraduate Reading Selections Marna Clowney-Robinson, Librarian, Helen Look, Collection Analyst, & Pam MacKintosh, Coordinator of the Shapiro Undergraduate Library Collections |
3:30 - 3:35 | Evaluations & Closing |