History of Child Welfare in the United States and Cultural Issues with Debangshu Roygardner, Ph.D.
Thursday, April 7, 2022 | 12:30 - 2 PM ET
This workshop will outline the history of child protection in American child welfare with a specific focus on legislation that governed the consideration of race and ethnicity in placement, adoption services, and permanency including the history of tribal child welfare. The goal will be to describe historical child welfare events and to consider how current day cultural and linguistic competence within child welfare requires a thoughtful understanding of child welfare history to share accountability for the historical trauma and distrust engendered by some facets of child welfare policy.
Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention with Bart Klika, MSW, Ph.D.
Thursday, April 14, 2022 | 12:30 - 2 PM ET
This presentation will cover the history, present context, and future of child abuse and neglect primary prevention. This workshop will examine the causes and consequences associated with child abuse and neglect in order to help prevent its occurrence. Current approaches and strategies for child abuse and neglect prevention will be highlighted including home visiting, family resource centers, policy, and social norms change.
The Truth about Race and Trauma with Ernestine Briggs-King, Ph.D.
Thursday, April 21, 2022 | 12:30 - 2 PM ET
Trauma disproportionately affects underrepresented and marginalized populations. For many, experiences of trauma are compounded by historical trauma, discrimination, and systemic disadvantage. During this course we will discuss the interplay of race and trauma and its pernicious effects on children and families. We will also address topics including racism, intersectionality, cultural humility, and strategies to promote resiliency from an equity lens. We will conclude with implications for child welfare practice and system transformation.
Medical Evaluation of Child Abuse and Neglect with Randell Alexander, MD, Ph.D.
Thursday, April 28, 2022 | 12:30 - 2 PM ET
Medical evaluations for possible child abuse can yield important information about whether it is child abuse, whether it is not, mechanisms of injury, and possible timeframes. Skin injuries, sentinel injuries, head and internal injuries will be discussed and explained. Sexual abuse evaluations typically depend on the history since most patients have no physical findings. With sexual abuse cases, prophylactic medication should be practiced. For all cases of physical and sexual abuse, consider that neglect and psychological maltreatment may be the long-term outcomes.
An Overview of Evidence-Based Trauma Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Esther Deblinger, Ph.D. and Elisabeth Pollio, Ph.D.
Thursday, May 5, 2022 | 12:30 - 2 PM ET
The significant short-term and long-term impact of trauma on children and adolescents is well documented and it is therefore critical that youth affected by trauma receive effective treatment. Fortunately, the number of evidence-based trauma interventions for children and adolescents has been increasing. This workshop will briefly define evidence-based treatment in general and then provide an overview of various evidence-based trauma interventions for children and adolescents. There will be a particular focus on Trauma-focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, a trauma treatment model co-developed by Esther Deblinger, Ph.D. that has demonstrated its efficacy in over 23 randomized controlled trials.
Forensic Mental Health Evaluation and Guidelines with Jemour Maddux, Psy.D., ABPP
Thursday, May 12, 2022 | 12:30 - 2 PM ET
The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and the American Psychological Association (APA) have each created Practice Guidelines for psychologists and other mental-health evaluators in child protection matters. Their guidelines promote a higher level of professional practice than what is generally required by law, regulations, ethics, and other standards. Participants will receive information about how the guidelines may be correctly applied in their work and profession, which will be enhanced through facilitated discussion, exercises, and exchange of resources.
Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, Bullying and Internet Abuse with David Finkelhor, Ph.D.
Wednesday, May 18, 2022 | 12:30 - 2 PM ET
This workshop will present a description of sexual abuse, physical abuse, bullying and internet abuse in the United States and information about their rates, the main types and dynamics, and how to prevent and intervene in cases of child abuse, bullying and internet abuse.
Take a Deep Breath: Wellness for Child Protection Professionals During Covid-19 with Mary Pulido, Ph.D.
Thursday, May 26, 2022 | 12:30 - 2 PM ET
Professionals who deal with child maltreatment are under a tremendous amount of stress trying to provide services to their clients and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as they give so much of their time and energy to their critical work, it is equally as important that they have the tools to care for themselves and know how to offset the stressors of their jobs. Developing and maintaining a regular self-care practice is important in supporting overall wellness and managing the stress in their lives. The session will cover recognizing stress symptoms, how the brain responds to stress, positive reframing techniques, how to recognize adaptive versus maladaptive coping strategies, creating a self-care plan and the importance of maintaining it during the pandemic.