Event Registration - Kansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association
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Related Service Provision: Mistaking Quantity with Quality
4/25/2024 - 4/25/2024
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM CST

Event Description
  • Instructional Practices – Educationally relevant services
  • Innovative Practices in IDEA Implementation – Tools to guide an educational vs. medical model of service delivery
Session Summary:
Have you ever wondered while sitting in an IEP meeting discussing need, how quickly related services add up?  Is this more-is-better approach confusing quantity with value; providing isolation of services; and, most importantly, is it educationally relevant and necessary?  As we develop IEPs, teams must work together to provide appropriate education for students with disabilities and be aware of the purpose and parameters of providing related services.

Session Description:
Have you ever wondered while sitting in an IEP meeting discussing need, how quickly related services add up?  Is this more-is-better approach confusing quantity with value; providing isolation of services; and, most importantly, is it educationally relevant and necessary?  As we develop IEPs, teams must work together to provide appropriate education for students with disabilities and be aware of the purpose and parameters of providing related services. The “magic” doesn’t occur in the quantity model, it manifests when the quality of services and related supports for a student do not belong solely to the related service provider. Related means connected, so related services MUST be directly linked to the current services being provided to enable the student to make progress. Isolation of related direct services with no connection to the IEP goals and services is a siloed medical model and not appropriate for the educational environment. 

Learner Objectives:

At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
  • Explain how support service decisions are educationally relevant and necessary
  • Apply essential criteria when making service recommendation ensuring educational relevance and necessity
  • Describe methods for collaborative, team-based decisions for services

Angie Neal, M.S. CCC-SLP
South Carolina Office of Special Education Services

Angie Neal is the SLP Contact and Program Analyst for Academics at the South Carolina State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services. She stays busy as LETRS Facilitator, a board member with the State Education Agency Communication Disability Council, and as a member of the ASHA School Issues Advisory Board. She is the recipient of the Rolland Van Hattum Award for contributions to schools, the Nancy McKinley Award for leadership in Speech-Language Pathology and has presented previously for the Kansas Speech and Hearing Association (KSHA) on the topic of social communication impacts on academics. Angie is a published author of two books and presents on a wide variety of topics all across the United States using her animated presentation style to keep audiences engaged and leaving with information that they can apply the next day!
Financial Disclosure: Presenter is receiving an honorarium for presenting.
Nonfinancial Disclosures: 
  • Presenter is a member of ASHA’s School Based Advisory Council (SIAB)
  • State Education Agency Communication Disabilities Council Board (SEACDC)
  • Employed by the South Carolina State Department of Education

Rebekah Helget
Greenbush Director of Specialized Learning Services & Solutions

Rebekah has been a Special Education Director in the state of Kansas for 10+ years. She has served in many leadership roles throughout the state, as the KASEA (CASE) President and Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) President. One of her favorite roles is being an active mentor of the Kansas Educational Leadership Institute (KELI) mentoring program, mentoring new directors across the state. Throughout the years, related services has been a hot topic regarding the significant increase in services and the decline in providers. This led to many conversations and development of professional development to support the needs of students and and staff. Over the past 5 years, Rebekah has been asked to present on related services across the state of Kansas, neighboring states as well as in Guam in 2018. Her passion for Special Education is contagious and hard to keep up with, but once you catch the spark you'll be on fire too.  Rebekah has no relevant financial or non-financial disclosures.

Melissa Strathman, SPED Director
McPherson County Spec Ed Cooperative
Melissa has no relevant financial or non-financial disclosures.

Olivia Riscovallez
USD 231 Gardner Edgerton

Olivia has no relevant financial or non-financial disclosures.

Bert Moore
Director, Kansas Special Education

Bert has no relevant financial or non-financial disclosures.

8:00 - 8:30 Check -in
8:30 – 10:00 am - Angie Neal
10:00 – 10:15 Break
10:15 - Noon Angie Neal
Noon - 1:00 Lunch (on your own)
1:00 - 2:00 Angie Neal
2:00 - 2:30 Rebekah Helget
2:30 - 2:45 Break
2:45 - 3:15 McPherson Cooperative
3:15 - 3:45 Bert Moore, KSDE State Director
3:45 - 4:15 Gardner/Edgerton
4:15 - 4:30 Rebekah Helget

KSHA members - $110
Non-members - $199
Sped Director or other related staff - $45***

***SPED Directors can attend for FREE if an SLP from your district attends! Contact ksha@ksha.org for the discount code.

Cancelation Policy:
Attendees may cancel until April 22nd and receive a full refund minus a $30 cancelation fee. Cancelations after April 22 are not eligible for refund.