Event Registration - WV Chiropractic Society

Billing and Coding Lunch & Learns for Your Entire Office
2/7/2024 - 11/7/2024
12:00 PM EST

Location: via ZOOM

Registration ends on 11/7/2024

Event Description
The West Virginia Chiropractic Society has organized four separate "Lunch & Learn" webinars for 2024 with Dr. Gregg Friedman. Dr. Friedman presented 6 hours of outstanding billing and coding education during our Fall 2023 Seminar. After great response and many requests to bring Dr. Friedman back we have organized these four events for your entire office.

On February 7th, May 8th, August 7th and November 6th we will have one hour "Lunch & Learns" for your entire staff to take part in. Each event will be from 12:00PM - 1:00PM each of these days.

February 7, 2024 - "The Foundation to Documentation"
In this one-hour class, we will discuss the basic elements of documentation and how to not waste your time documenting unnecessary things.
May 8, 2024 - "Evaluation and Management Codes"
In this one-hour class, we will discuss the different levels of Evaluation and Management and how to figure out which level you meet in just seconds.
August 7, 2024 - "Documentation and Tracking Treatment Progress"
In this one-hour class, we will discuss the keys to determining medical/chiropractic necessity and the quick and easy way to track your patients' progress.
November 6, 2024 - "The Coding Conundrum"
In this one-hour class, we will discuss the most common CPT codes and the proper way to document in order to justify each code.

We have two options for registrations. The best deal and easiest option is to purchase all four events at one price of $295. Or pay per event at $99. These prices included all members of your staff through one ZOOM webinar link.