Event Registration - Kansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association
This event has completed.

AAC Foundations Across the Lifespan: Assessment & Intervention
6/6/2024 - 6/7/2024
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM CST

Event Description
Join us on the campus of Ft. Hays State University this summer for an opportunity to earn 1.2 ASHA CEUs!

Thursday, June 6
9:00 am - 12:00 pm  Session
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm  Lunch (on your own)
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Session

Friday, June 7
8:00 am - 11:30 pm  Session
11:30 pm - 1:00 pm  Lunch (on your own)
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Session

Course description: In this two-day workshop, participants will learn foundational AAC knowledge related to assessment and intervention across the lifespan. Hands-on opportunities with AAC systems will be provided throughout the two-day experience.

Learning Outcomes (after attending this session, attendees will be able to:)
1. identify 3 foundational principles of working with AAC with individuals with communication disorders
2. apply the steps of assessment and two elements of feature matching related to AAC
3. list 6 teaching strategies to use when teaching AAC to individuals with communication disorders and their support system
Presenter Disclosures: 
  • Susan Koerner:
    • Financial: Salary from KUMC, honorarium for speaking at this workshop and lodging provided by KSHA.
    • Nonfinancial: KUMC AAC Lab director, Susan Koerner SLP social media
  • Julie Gatts:
    • Financial: Salary from University of Kansas, honorarium for speaking at this workshop and lodging provided by KSHA.
    • Nonfinancial: CoDirector of Pardee AAC Lab and no other financial disclosures.
Two-Day Outline
Thursday June 6th
Friday June 7th
Morning Morning
Objective: Developing a shared point of view
Presentation topics:
  • Clinical Philosophy
    • Communication Bill of Rights
    • Least dangerous assumption
    • Presuming competence
    • Part time AAC/multimodal communication
    • SLP role: Problem solver
  • AAC Jargon and terms
    • Hardware
    • Software
    • Company names
    • Dedicated v not dedicated
  • “Hidden curriculum” of AAC for the SLP
    • Contacting reps
    • Contacting tech support
      • What you need to know to call
    • Statewide resources
      • ATK
      • Pardee lab
    • Funding rules and regs
      • Myths v reality
      • Coding
  • EBP Teaching Strategies
    • Modeling
    • Wait time
    • Responding
    • Attributing meaning
    • Recasting
    • Event casting
    • Least to most
Objective: AAC in Acquired Disorders
Presentation Topics
  • Appropriate options
    • Degenerative Motor Disorders
    • Aphasia
    • TBI
  • Overarching Concepts
    • Relevance/application
    • Impact
    • Opportunity
  • Participation based goal setting
  • Individualizing a pageset
    • Layout
    • Button Style
    • Content
  • Communication partner training
  • Brainstorming about barriers
Afternoon Afternoon
Objective: Foundational Assessment Skills
Presentation Topics:
  • Feature matching
  • This is Not a test
  • Accessing devices
  • Hands on time with devices
    • Finding features
    • Comparing features across devices
    • Exploring
      • How do you…
        • Change the voice?
        • Change the access method?
        • Hide buttons?
        • Edit a button?
Objective: Pediatric AAC
Presentation Topics
  • Parent involvement/coaching
  • Core vocabulary
  • Literacy supports
  • Lesson planning
    • Vocabulary selection
    • Tracking progress
    • Language sample analysis


Before May 17th
KSHA members: $149
Non-members: $249
KSHA student members: $30
Non-member students: $60

After May 17th
KSHA members: $169
Non-members: $269
KSHA student members: $50
Non-member students: $80

Thanks to Ft. Hays State University CSD Department for hosting this conference!
If notified by email (ksha@ksha.org) before June 1st, registration will be refunded minus the $30 cancelation fee.