Event Registration - CAEP - Superior

AEP NorCal Conference 2024
10/3/2024 - 10/4/2024
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST

Location: Gaia Hotel Anderson, 4125 Riverside Pl. , Anderson, CA 96007

Registration ends on 10/5/2024

Event Description
The Superior California and San Francisco Bay AEP Chapters are pleased to sponsor the bi-annual NorCal conference tailored to environmental practitioners in Northern California.
October 3 & 4, 2024
Gaia Hotel
4125 Riverside Pl, Anderson, CA 96007, (530) 365-7077 (Reserve Room at Conference Price $109 before Sept 15)

Questions on Registration: Janet Dallas, janet.dallas@aecom.com, 916.607.1775
Questions on Sponsorship: Katherine Waugh at kwaugh@dudek.com

Conference Topics:
»Writing Effective Mitigation Measures: Aligning Mitigation Planning and Mitigation Implementation
»Land Use Planning and Wildfire 
»Environmental Compliance for Transportation Projects
»Evolution and Current State of Cannabis Regulation
»Analyzing and Mitigating Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under CEQA
»Legislative Update
»CEQA Essentials

Tickets Available:
1-Full Conference-AEP Member-$175
2-Full Conference-Non Member-$225
3-Full Conference + Membership-$300 
4-One Day-Thursday-Member
5-One Day-Thursday-Non Member
6-One Day-Friday-Member
7-One Day-Friday-Non Member
8-Student One Day-Thursday-$30
9-Student One Day-Friday-$30
10-Speaker One Day Comp-Thursday-$0
11-Speaker One Day Comp-Friday-$0
12-Sponsor Comp-Full Conference
13-Sponsor Comp-Thursday-$0
14-Sponsor Comp-Friday

Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

8:00 am Conference Check-In / Registration Open

8:00 am – 9:00 am    Breakfast Buffet

8:45 am – 9:00 am    Conference Welcome/ Land Acknowledgement

9:00 am – 12:00 pm    Session 1: CEQA Essentials Workshop
» Speakers: Pat Angell, Ascent, and Mark Teague, PlaceWorks
» Abstract: This workshop provides a basic understanding of the fundamentals of the California Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelines, and includes intermediate-level practice pointers and case studies. This workshop features a curriculum developed specifically for people involved in the environmental review process, including consultants, regulators, applicants, or industry professionals, and will benefit those new to the field as well as mid-level practicing professionals.
» Mid-session Break (10:30 am – 10:45 am)
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm    Lunch 
» Welcome announcement and thank you sponsors (Mindy Fogg)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm    Session 2: Legislative Update
» Speaker: AEP Lobbyist Matt Klopfenstein, Esq., Partner California Advisors, LLC
» Abstract: This session will provide the audience with the latest legislation
that recently passed that may be of interest to Planners, as well as bills from the current legislative session that are being passed on to the Governor for his signature.

2:15 pm – 4:15 pm    Session 3: Writing Effective Mitigation Measures: Aligning Mitigation Planning and Mitigation Implementation
» Moderator: Stephanie Parsons, CreativEnvironment Group LLC
» Speakers: Bob Brown, SHN, Sue Meyer, Deputy Assistant Manager for the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s Environmental Services Branch, Program Delivery Support, AECOM; Stephanie Parsons, Regulatory Compliance Advisor, CreativEnvironment Group
» Abstract: This workshop will explore ways to better align the planning and field implementation functions of mitigation measures, with an emphasis on implementation, which can be a blind spot for planning staff. During this forum, the presenters will share examples of mitigation measures that have met with challenges in the field. The format of the workshop is intended to be interactive, with break-out sessions that follow presentations. Real-life examples will be used to explore best practices for planners to draft mitigation measures that are feasible and minimize necessary changes during project implementation.

Friday, October 4, 2024 - 8:00 am – 4:15 pm

8:00 am Conference
 Check-In/Registration Open

8:00 am – 9:00 am    Breakfast Buffet

9:00 am – 10:15 am    Session 1: Land Planning and Wildfire
» Moderator: Bob Brown, SHN
» Speakers: James Ausboe, CAL FIRE, Jeremy Cawn, Dudek, Ed Laidlaw, Fire Marshall, City of Arcata
» Abstract: This session will discuss wildfire with a focus on land use planning. This session will provide a brief summary of the importance of integrating other General Plan elements with the Safety (fire portion) Element and will also briefly discuss wildfire-related resources available to local planners. A Cal Fire representative will discuss their department’s review of the wildfire portion of Safety Elements and provide guidance on what constitutes a good element. This session will also include a discussion on what planners and CEQA practitioners should know about recent changes to the fire code and
the Fire Safe Regulations when reviewing applications. Lastly, a fire protection planner will present on preparing effective evacuation studies to meet CEQA requirements.

10:15 am – 10:30 am    Break

10:30 am – 12:00 pm    Session 2: Environmental Compliance for Transportation Projects
» Moderator: Neil Peacock, Supervising Transportation Planner, Caltrans
» Speakers: Kelly Hobbs, Chief for the Office of Environmental Compliance and Outreach, Caltrans, Maggie Ritter, Senior Environmental Scientist, Caltrans
» Abstract: This informal peer-discussion panel will cover common challenges and a variety best-practices related to successfully clearing your transportation projects through state and federal environmental requirements. Whether your agency is working on local city or county roadways or is sponsoring regionally significant improvements to the State Highway System, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has guidance, tools, and templates on virtually all aspects of the environmental process that are available through its Divisions of Local Assistance and Environmental Analysis. Panelists will identify where we frequently see break downs in the process, provide ‘helpful hints’ to avoid, minimize, and/ or mitigate those pitfalls, and a share links to a variety of resources for the audiences’ future reference.

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm    Lunch

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm      
Session 3: Evolution and Current State Cannabis Regulation
» Moderator: Pat Angell, Ascent
» Speakers: Keving Ponce, DCC (Remote), Rebecca Garwood, CDFW (Remote)
» Abstract: This session will provide an overview of the evolution of the regulation of cannabis operations from voter approval of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, voter approval of the Adult Use of Marijuana Act in 2016 and the subsequent regulations and licensing actions by the State. The panel will describe the regulatory, licensing, and enforcement challenges of regulating cannabis.

2:30 pm – 2:45 pm    Break

2:45 pm – 4:15 pm    Session 4: Analyzing and Mitigating Vehicle Miles Traveled and Greenhouse Gas Emissions under CEQA in California

» Moderator: Lesley Owning, HELIX
» Speakers: Sonia Anthoine, Fehr & Peers, Victor Ortiz, HELIX
» Abstract: This presentation will focus on the methodologies and strategies for analyzing and mitigating vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), with an emphasis on Northern California's unique challenges and opportunities. Key mitigation strategies will be discussed, showcasing innovative approaches that local governments and environmental professionals can implement to effectively reduce VMT and GHG emissions. These strategies will include enhancements in public transportation, the promotion of active transportation modes, land use planning that supports sustainable development, and the integration of green technologies. Case studies from Northern California will illustrate successful implementation of these practices, demonstrating how various jurisdictions have navigated the complexities of CEQA compliance while achieving significant environmental benefits. Additionally, the session will cover common challenges and provide practical solutions for overcoming barriers to effective mitigation. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the intersection of CEQA, VMT, and GHG emissions.