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Child Fatality Review
$137.50 USD

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Child Fatality Review is the first and only text available that is devoted to the child fatality review (CFR) process. It is designed to serve CFR team members, potential team members, and interested nonmembers as the only text they will need on child death review.

The title details common types of child fatalities for professionals to use as a reference, including sections devoted to review procedures, the roles of each team member, and full-color photographs of various causes of child death and manners of death.

While this illustrated text is an ideal tool for anyone who works on or with a child fatality review team, it is also a reference asset to any medical library. In the arena of education, Child Fatality Review is a valuable teaching tool in university social-work classes or law enforcement teaching facilities. Anyone potentially involved with a child fatality review team or in identifying child maltreatment should not miss out on this one-of-a-kind resource.

The Child Fatality Review CD-ROM provides additional information to all professionals on these teams by including a variety of cases from the text, allowing members to test their abilities in reviewing difficult cases. It is a perfect complement to the text, whether for training presentations or self-study.
