Child Sexual Abuse: Entry-Level Training for the Mandated Reporter is a self-assessment training module for those professionals bound to report incidents of suspected child abuse. Mandated reporters have a vital role to play on the front lines of child protection, and it is important they be prepared to recognize potential cases of abuse and to respond appropriately to disclosures of abusive incidents. It is equally important that the mandated reporter understand when, how, and to whom reports of potential abuse should be made in order to report promptly and appropriately in all cases.
Child Sexual Abuse: Entry-Level Training for the Mandated Reporter is designed with these goals in mind: to understand, effectively respond to, and assist in the prevention of child sexual abuse, however it manifests. It is the author’s and the publisher’s sincerest hope that this training self-assessment will benefit mandated reporters of every variety, as well as the children and families they work with, by means of continued education in child protection.